Miscellaneous feelings

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Hello it is October 16th as I write this. I write these at night since I 1) cannot be bothered to write it during the day when I have nothing to do 2) I want to write all that happened at night.

So yeah. These are also all pre-written in my notes. I'll show you a screenshot later (maybe 🤪)

I currently have three chapter waiting to be published so I'll do that once the WiFi is fixed tomorrow (hopefully 🤞).

So today.........

I really can't remember what happened in the morning.

I just woke up and ran straight to the ice cream that was in the fridge, divided it (took some from everyone else's) and put mine in a cup for later. 

Then I went and disturbed my mom as I pretended to be coy while I low-key begged her to call the WiFi people.

She did.

They. Didn't. Come.

(Don't why I made this so dramatic I think she'll call them tomorrow. I hope)

So now I'm anticipating until tomorrow.

So during the day before my mom left she told me to make banana pancakes so I did.

But while I was making them I decided to put on the checkered purple and white dress my mom bought for me like a usually normal teen girl would. Right?

So I decided to do the hack where you:
1. Turn the dress inside out and backwards.
2. Take a cap of like a bottle or whatever container
3. Put it under the dress so now the closed part is touching your skin then tie it in the front.
4. Take off the dress and where it the write way and now the loose parts are now tight because you tied the cap thing.

So that's what I did and I thought it looked so good so I showed my sister it (she loved it as much as I did) and decided to stay in it until my mother came back to show her.

So whatever I stayed in it, she came back, she didn't say anything at first, whatever, then while I was putting the pancakes on the table she said.

"Is the food done?" A question she had asked me already like three times so obviously I was tired of hearing it.

"Yes ke," I respond.

"Then go and cut some cucumbers so we can eat!"

I was already tired but whatever.

"And take off that dress as well! What have you done tying it in the back like that?! Take it off! It doesn't look good." She says in an annoyed and upset tone.

And you can say I'm being dramatic whatever you're probably right but it still hurt.

The dress before I *fixed* it looked ugly so I made it look better even with the scrunches from the tie. It's my dress isn't it, so why can't I wear it? It's not like I planned to wear it for the rest of the day just for a but longer cause it was comfortable and I thought I looked good. I still love my mother obviously but she didn't have to say it like that. My feelings were hurt.

Then later on she said "And next time don't add so much flour to the pancakes and add more lemon."

She always says I add to much flour to the pancakes every time I make them, so why does she keep on asking me to make it every time if they're so bad?!

And if they're not bad then why complain?

I don't understand and my feelings were hurt.

After that though while I continued making the pancakes she kept on asking "Should we wait for you?" Which is sweet but nobody wants to hear you ask the question you're just supposed to.

But since I didn't want them especially her to keep on waiting I told her "No, it's fine, just eat."

But she kept on asking it over and over and I began getting aggravated.

Then I had a plan.

I had already divided the rest and there wasn't enough cooked ones for me so I decided to take mine from the ones not yet made.

I was tired and upset and hurt but if I stuck to the plan then everything would be perfect.

I'd finish the pancakes, take my amount, drink my juice thing that mom bought (she bought mango and pineapple and mint that we had to share. It was nice of her. The mango was the better one.), maybe eat some of the banana ice cream I froze earlier then rest in my bed.

That was the plan.

But then her and my little sister started interfering.

She told my sister to go help me with the pancakes and if I'm tired I should sit down. 

This is very nice and sweet of her do not get me wrong. I really appreciate her of saying this.

But I had a plan that I was supposed to stick to, I was already upset at what she said earlier, tired from not sitting down once since I started and all I wanted to do was just finish what I started and go rest.

Nonetheless I finished what I was doing, night came, I ate some pancakes and green gram soup, (separately) drank my juice, ate some banana ice cream, washed my face, drank some water and now I'm in bed about to go to sleep.

So that was my day. I sound really spoiled (more like ungrateful and rude) in this don't I?

Alas goodnight, see you next chapter.

I don't want to put the flower because I still feel some negativity.

But I'll force myself.

Goodbye 🌺.

P.S I also talked to my mother about letting me go to the same place my brother takes computer lessons at so I can take German classes but my mother is worried about who will stay with my younger sister since if my brother and I go to 'school' and my mom is out, and my oldest sister is in Germany, who will stay with the youngest?

But um yeah maybe I'll talk to her more tomorrow morning.

Goodbye for real now.

Record Of My Life.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora