First time in forever

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My apologies but I feel very disheartened since nobody is reading this book.(At least now)
I know that Wattpad has very many good books to read but out of the like more than a million user can I not be spared like ten?

But oh well, if it was meant to be it would have been.
I just finished watching New life begins and Li Wei's and Yin zheng's relationship have me giggling and kicking my feet.

Ever since episode 35 I'll never be the same ever again.

Please God give me a husband like him.

It such a good show and I think I might be rewatching it.

I've come up with a new schedule that I an trying to follow to help better my life.

And this is it

Wake up -5:00am(haven't reached there yet)
Do 50 jumping jacks.
Wash face but only with water.
Try and study.
Wash face this time properly(at night)
Do 25 sit ups
Go to sleep -10:00pm (haven't reached there yet.

And slowly by slowly I'm going to get there and I'm going to study hard and once we move and I start a new school I'll be an A+ student.

Hopefully that is.

So far this book is just like a diary but I wanted to know if there's anybody reading this if they would be interested in me writing like an actual book with plot and adventure and everything.

And if so any suggestions?

Tell me in the comments and maybe I'll pick my favourite lol.

Also I'm watching vampire academy and I never knew it was based off a book.

I might just read the book though and see how many differences there are.

I was also thinking of starting the originals and gossip girl but this might just be wishful thinking cause I am yet to finish the series I'm watching called dance academy I think(?) The one about ballet and the main character is called tarra.

But brooo Tara is sooo annoying I cannot stand her 😭

Short chapter but I hope you enjoyed 🌺

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