Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Kay had just settled herself into a comfortable position on her new bed when she heard his voice drift from the doorway.

“Emerald’s Chosen, huh?”

Kay lifted her eyes and was surprised to see Shadow standing over the threshold, his arms crossed, leaning against the frame of the doorway. She was still trying to come to terms with her constantly changing world, so her face held a blank look as she responded almost monotonically, “I thought you didn’t believe me.”

Shadow tilted his head ever so slightly, frowning a little. “I’m still thinking about it.” Kay glanced down at her lap again, keeping him out of her line of sight. After a tense pause he spoke again. “Where are you from?”

“New Mobotropolis.”

“It was my understanding that you’d only been there for two weeks.”

Kay’s mind sharpened upon hearing those words and she looked back up at him. How did you know that? she wondered. “Right.”

“Where were you from before then?” he asked.

“I’d rather not say.”

Suspicion seeped its way into Shadow’s features. “Why not?”

Why does it matter? She wanted to ask, but just as she was opening her mouth, she felt a surge of dizziness come over her and her mind shifted into grayscale images of robots destroying a powerful city. Men in uniform ran around and tried to protect the people. The Death Egg loomed overhead, blocking out the sun.

The Death Egg? Kay was shoved back into reality with such force that she almost fell off of the bed. It took her a moment, but she steadied herself and hurried back to the window she’d finally torn herself away from only minutes ago.

“Are you ignoring me?” Shadow demanded from the doorway.

“No, it’s just…” Kay trailed off as her eyes focused on the city below. Smoke was rising from some of the buildings. Sunlight glinted on the armor of robots that swarmed the streets. Everything she’d just seen in her mind was happening right in front of her. Kay thought it odd that this vision had been accompanied by dizziness and grayscale when most of her others were nothing more than annoying pests at the most.

Then she saw the Death Egg glide into view, and all thoughts left her except for those of Eggman and his continuing hunt for her.

“No way,” she whispered out loud. Then, in a louder voice, she added, “How did he know I was here?”

“What are you talking about?” Shadow asked her, moving from the doorway to stand by her side at the window. He had barely been observing the scene before them for five seconds when he shouted, “Get down!” and sent both himself and Kay to the floor just as the window exploded, distributing thousands of shards of glass onto the floor.

Can this day get any more hectic? Kay tried to clear her mind and calm her racing heart enough to focus on the present. She shook her head and propped herself up on her elbows, realizing that Shadow had positioned himself on top of her to take the impact of the blast. Once he had recovered he looked at her with his cold gaze and asked, “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” she replied quietly. He pushed himself up into a kneeling position and scanned the area around them as he put a hand to his ear and spoke into his mobile communicator. “This is Agent Shadow. Somebody report. What’s going on?”

Moments later a voice tainted with static answered him. “Doctor Eggman’s forces are invading the city. Reasons unknown. Requesting assistance out here, sir.”

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