Savanaclaw Finale

Start from the beginning

This kid was a small boy with light brown skin. He has short red hair with yellow tips. He has large brown eyes and a pair of lion ears and a tail. He wears a yellow tunic with a triangle pattern around the collar and brown pants, as well as a beaded necklace and bracelet. His sandals are a bright green color.

Grim jumps from the sudden entry. "Myah? What's a kid doin' here?"

"Unca Leona!" The kid clings onto Leona who tries to pry him off.

Leona groans. "The screech box found me."

Jack tilts his head. "Unca?"

Leona rolls his eyes. "That furball's my brother's son, Cheka. You know... my nephew."

Everyone stares at the kid in shock. Ruggie grins and put his hands on his hips. "So this is who's next in line for the throne?"

"I saw you play, Unca!" Cheka jumped in excitement. "You were so cool! Next time I visit, teach me how to play!"

"Fine, fine. Just stop screamin' in my ear." Leona looks at the door. "Where're all your attendants? They gotta be tearin' their hair out lookin' for you!"

"I couldn't wait to see you, Unca, so I left them all behind!" Cheka laughs.

Jack's ear twitches. "So the source of all Leona's anguish..."

"Is this kid?" You finish Jack's thought.

Grim folds his arms and smirks. "The kid sure seems to love everything about him."

"Shut up, all of you!" Leona glares. "And stop gawkin' at us!"

"So when are you coming home to see us, Unca? Next week? And when's the next time after that? Did you read all the letters I sent you?"

You can't help but laugh at all the questions being thrown at Leona. Leona sends a glare your way but it's not as harsh as the one he threw the others.

"Look, I told you, I'll be back for the holidays- Ow!"

Cheka clambers into Leona and clings onto his back. Deuce and Ace could barely contain their laughter. Jack looks absolutely dumbfounded.

"He's riding Housewarden Leona like a horse?"

Ruggie bursts out laughing, clutching his sides. "This is priceless! So THIS is why you never want to go home to visit your family!"

Cheka looks at all of you, smiling. "Are you all Unca Leona's friends?"

Ace lets out a chuckle. "Yeah, sure we are! We're your Unca's besties! Ain't that right, Unca Leona?"

"U-Unca Leona!" Ruggie collapses to the ground. "It hurts so much when I laugh!"

"Go ahead, laugh it up." Leona tears Cheka off of him. "I'm gonna remember this!"

Late at night in Ramshackle Dorm, a cat sneaks quietly in yours and his room. Grim looks around to make sure you weren't in the room yet.

"Is this coast clear?" Grim let's put a quiet laugh. "Finally, the moment I've been waitin' for!"

Grim pulls out a black crystal from beneath a chair cushion. He holds it up triumphantly.

"I've been holdin' onto this baby since I secretly snatched it up at Savanaclaw House! I wonder what these things are?"

Grim looks at it curiously before shrugging. "Meh, who cares? Finders keepers, losers weepers! Down the hatch it goes!"

Grim shoves the crystal into his mouth. "Mmm... This one's got a real mature taste, slightly bitter yet tangy on the tongue. Those dumb humans don't know what they're missin'!"

Grim stretches as he yawns. "Now that I'm full... I'm gettin' kinda... sleepy.."

Grim crawls back into bed and curls up in the corner, falling asleep instantly.

You walk into the room to find Grim passed out already. You smile and shake your head. Guess it was quite a day. Grim let's out a loud snore as if to confirm your thought.

Guess I should go to bed too. You softly pet Grim's head. "Good night Grim."

Before you can climb into bed, the mirror above the fireplace shines a bright, white light. You shield your eyes. The light dims and you approach the mirror. You look at it curiously.

You jump back with a start seeing a shadow in the mirror. It looks like someone is peering from behind the mirror frame, looking at you. But as quickly as it appeared, the light fades out completely. The mirror now only shows your confused expression.

What was that?

You look over the mirror one last time. Seeing nothing happen, you climb into bed. Maybe Grim hit me harder than I thought.

In another dorm, a student meticulously goes over some papers in a large office. He nods in satisfaction, pushing his glasses into place.

"Sales at this year's Spelldrive tournament were up twelve percent compared to last year." Azul grins. "Not a bad haul."

Floyd stands beside Azul, folding his arms. "Yeah, but this year we ended up closer to the bottom of the tournament rankings than the top."

Azul waves him off. "Just so long as we weren't at the very bottom."

Azul grins, turning to face Floyd. "Let's not forget that Spelldrive is nothing more than a game in which students run around chasing a disc like dogs in a yard. Now, a school event more worthy of the full attention of Octavinelle House might be, say... Final exams."

Jade walks in, a smile on his face. "Azul, we received an urgent message from a client. They wish to speak tonight at the lounge, in person."

Azul smirks, chuckling. "Urgent, you say? Well, we'll have to prepare a proper welcome. I do look forward to learning more very soon."

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