Am I that worthless?-Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

We talk for about 3 hours customers coming in and going out. it's not a busy day. I ask him if it was stressful for him when I wasn't around. He says no,that it was quite alright as the customers weren't much. I sigh in relief.

After 6 more hours we close the store. I take some pictures with him and we say goodbye.

I arrived home at about 6:48pm. I got out of my car and walk in through the front door. I hear some men in the sitting room. I walk over to where out sitting room is,but the door is shut.


I try and listen to what is going on

Eavesdropping are we

oh shut up,as if you're not curious too

you know me so well,but what if father walking out,what happens then.

I blink about five times before walking away in peace.

I walk straight to my room and lock the door. I take of my clothes. I place my glasses on my table and unhook my knives from my trouser. I walk into the bathroom filling the tub with warm water. I take of my bra and panties and I get in. I soak inside for 20 minutes before getting out. I dry my body and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and wear my blue silk PJs

 I walk out of the bathroom and wear my blue silk PJs

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I love the color blue,it's so pretty.

I plop down on my bed while I remember trying to hold back tears in Mr Grey's store not less than 5 times. I told him I won't be available because I'll be preparing for my mum's friend burial. He told me it was fine and I smiled at the lie.
I can't tell him I lost my pains me that I keep lying to him,he's like my Grandpa, yet I can't seem to tell him anything. It hurts

I decide to play a song; train wreck by James Arthur;he's one of my favorite artists. he sings from the soul,I connect my headphones to my phone through Bluetooth and wear them.
I sing along in pain
"Unbreak the broken,unsay these spoken words, find hope in the hopeless, pull me ooooo-uuuu-t the train wreck, unburn the ashes unchain the reactions now,not ready to die not yet,pull me ouuuuttt the train wreck" I begin to cry as I sing.
"unbreak the broken, unsay these reckless words" I breakdown completely.

It hurts,it hurts so much. why does it have to be me.
I cry myself to sleep,it's a routine now.

The week goes by fast

Tuesday,I stay in bed all day crying

Wednesday, I had to pick out flowers for the funeral service.

Thursday, I stopped by Mr Grey's shop and handed him a latte and a packet of cream crackers;his favorite

Friday, I stay in bed

Saturday, I train all day to get my mind of things

Sunday,which is today. A day before my brother's funeral service. I'm in pain,physical ,mental, emotional all of them.

Earlier today,we were having dinner and my father was talking to me, but I had zoned out over thinking about my stay with the Salvatores that I don't reply him back. He gets up and the sound he makes pulls me back to Earth. he walks out of the dining room and into the kitchen,I wondered why. After what seemed like 10 minutes, he walked back in with a frying spoon in his hand heading towards me,I'm still confused. He stopped by my seat and touches me with the frying spoon on my back and I scream in pain trying to get myself free but he's holding me.

it's hot,he went into the kitchen and heated it up.

My mum shouts telling him to please stop but he continues. Luca tries to stop him but he pushes him away. he burns me for 5 minutes straight. He finally let's me go and I'm in pain,so much pain. My skin at my back is burned and I'm wearing sports bra so he had direct contact.
"Next time when I'm asking you a question,you answer me" he  says walking away.

I run upstairs and into my bathroom. I lock the door and enter the shower,running cold water. I'm still crying from the pain. it hurts so bad. He has never done that before. it's the first time he's burning me.

I stay under the shower for the next 15 minutes before walking out. I look at myself in the mirror,the frying spoon is imprinted on my back. I sigh. I apply a cream on it and I wince in pain. I put on my PJs and crawl into bed.

Her PJs y'all.

I turn and turn, trying to avoid any contact with my back and the bed

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I turn and turn, trying to avoid any contact with my back and the bed.

he's a monster

I know

he's not your father

he's done damage only a father could do.

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