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One night, when his children are only five years old, Eobard Thawne gets out to complete the mission to finally get rid of his archenemy. He leaves his children in the care of his older brother, Thaddeus Thawne, whom he named his son after. 

However, things don't go as planned and he gets stranded in the 21st century. Unable to get home to his children. 

11 years later, when Barry Allen has grown up and Eobard has worked his way up in the 21st century, his children discover the truth about their origin from their uncle and learn how to use and control their powers before running back in time to reunite with their dad. 

Follow the Zolomon-Thawne twins, Alexandra Hunter Destiny Zolomon-Thawne and Thaddeus Eobard Zolomon-Thawne, on their journey in the 21st century where nothing is its like in their home, the 22nd century. 

What happens when the twins get attached to the century? Teddy is drawn to the people, especially the females, while Lexie finds herself drawn to the science and the food, especially the homecooked meals by Detective Joe West. 

Author's Note: 

I was thinking of changing Lexie's full name, since she never met her maternal uncle until season 2, unlike the last version. But while Eobard and Helena slept together, they talked. She mentioned her brother. Even though he does not like his former one-night-stand, he does want his children to know of their maternal family. So he names her after her uncle for her sake. 

Lexie's love language will remain food. Teddy's love language is affection and physical touch. They're so opposites. Teddy being the sunshine golden retriever and Lexie being the grumpy black cat. 

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