Battling Through Marineford

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"Lead the way Luffy!" I call out.

We don't make it much farther before another obstacle appears in our way.

"Stop!" a Marine officer shouts as he slams a spiked club down on Luffy's head.

"Take this you bastard!" I scream as I stab the man in the side before kicking the man straight across the face to knock him out.

"Thanks Akari," Luffy breathes out as he stands up. Blood dripping from the wound on his forehead down the side of his face. "They're all really strong," he chokes out through strangle breaths.

"As long as we work together, nothing can stop us!"

The two of us dive back into another battle with a couple Marines that quickly swarm us. I'm sure they're keeping track of us to keep sending men our way to halt our progress as much and as often as possible. For the moment it's working, but it's only a matter of time before those on our side can help us break through.

"You're as wild as ever, Straw Hat!" Moria's annoying voice that I hoped never to hear again fills my ears. "I wouldn't expect anything less from that girlfriend of yours either."

"The name's Akari, you jackass!" I snap.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart. I know! I'll take Straw Hat's shadow again and use it to control Oars's body! Then I'll take you shadow for the first time, Akari, and I'll use it in some pretty little thing. Come forth, my zombie soldiers!"

Even from here, I can see the corpses breaking through the ground and rising up around the undead rising creep. It's not surprising that there would be a lot of dead bodies in this area considering this probably isn't the first time it's been used as a battlefield, and there are more being added with each minute this war continues.

"Shit!" I scream as a sword slices my knees as I try to jump out of the way.

Luffy lets out a scream as he holds up an arm to take the blow of a sword.

"LUFFY!" Ace's voice pierces through the cacophony. "AKARI!"

"Zombie Soldiers! Capture Straw Hat and his girlfriend! This is a battlefield! The more corpses there are, the more zombies I can make!" He annoyingly laughs.

"Moria, he's gonna be a problem!" Luffy huffs.

"He's not getting my shadow!" I growl.

"Don't come up here, Luffy!" Ace's strained voice makes me pause for a second before I go back to defending myself against Marines that want my head. "You either, Akari!"

"Outta my way!" Luffy grunts as he knocks out another guy with a punch.

"You should know better! The three of us are pirates! We went to sea separately! I have my own adventures! I have my own friends! There's no place for you two in my life!"

"What the hell is he talking about?" I huff.

"You think I'd let myself be rescued by weaklings like you!? That would be an unbearable insult! Beat it, Luffy! Get the hell out of this danger, Akari! Why did you come here!?"

"I'm your little brother!" Luffy screams at the same time as me.

"I'm your little sister!" I wipe the sweat from my face.

"I don't care about your stupid pirate rules!"

"We're not going anywhere without you! It's time we repay some favors!"

Queen of the PiratesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin