32- The Show Must Go On

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"So where are you taking me?" Cole teased when I saw him the next day. I pondered for a moment.

"I guess it is me that has to figure it out this time, isn't it?" He laughed.

"Yeah, it's tradition I guess. Whoever asks has to decide."

"Well, I think I know a place," I said with a small nod of my head.

"A place?" Cole grinned. "This oughta be good."

"Do I have to pick you up, princess? Or are you still going to drive?" I asked with a smirk.

"Your Majesty, I'd be delighted to have you drive. After all, I don't know where this 'place' is," he reasoned.

"Fair enough, be ready by 4:30, please." I left my house when it was getting close to time and drove towards Cole's house. I wasn't sure what to do when I got there, so I jumped out of my car and walked up to the door. Just as I was about to knock, someone swung it open.

"Hi," I said startled.

"Hey, Thera." It was Cole. Apparently he had seen me through the window when I was walking up. Not too much longer, we pulled up to the place I had chosen.

"Oh, Cora had suggested this place last week, but I didn't know anything about it so we went somewhere else," Cole exclaimed when he saw where we were.

"Yeah? That's...cool." Together, we walked inside. It was just a small restaurant with pool tables and foosball. Really, I came for the foosball. "We're going to enter the tournament as a team," I told Cole.

He blinked. "Are we now?" I nodded.

"Yep. There's two separate brackets, but teams always go first. This way, we don't have to wait as long." Was it the best idea I could come up with? Maybe not. But I still thought it was fun and that the two of us might have a good time. Sometime later, after the games (we came in second, dang it), Cole and I were just sitting around and talking for a little while before we needed to leave.

"So, got any favorites?" I asked him once the conversation had died down some.

"Favorite what's?" he questioned. I guess it was kind of vague.

"Girls in the Games," I explained. His cheeks started turning a pinkish color.

"O-oh, I don't know. I mean I guess I like Cora, a-and I like hanging out with you, and—"

"Whoa." I stopped him by putting up my hand. "Please don't. Please don't feel anything for me. I'm not actually in this thing, just pretend I'm not here." His eyes shone in mild confusion.

"Why do you say that? You're as much in this as anyone else," he said.

"But I don't want to be," I pushed.

"So you're saying to just forget about everything with you?" He seemed upset, and I felt slightly bad. I didn't mean to make him mad, I was just telling him how I saw it. I struggled to find a way to explain.

"I'm not sure there was anything with me," is what decided to come out. Now Cole just looked sad.

"Is that a indirect way to friend-zone me?"

"Does it make it better to say that I'm friend-zoning everyone?" I tried.

"You're unbelievable Thera. I thought we might have something, but here I am, thinking wrong."

"Cole I—"

"No. Just please, drive me home." The car ride was in an uncomfortable silence that continued on even when I tried to tell him goodnight. At home again, I flopped onto my bed and held my head in my hands. Now I had probably messed up even a nice friendship with Cole, and that made me sad and slightly angry with myself.

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