32- The Show Must Go On

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Cole ^

I gasped slightly as I grabbed onto Amanda's arm. We were walking to fourth period, the last one we had before lunch. "Are we already into December?" She looked at me like I had just asked if two plus two was really four.

"Yeah, for a couple of days now, Thera," she told me. How had I missed that? I guess with all that was going on, it wasn't at the forefront of my mind. "Anyway, this is girls' choice week. Know anyone you're going to ask?" I held back a groan. I had also forgotten that it was the Sadie Hawkins section of the Games, it seems.

"Probably no one," I said honestly. She fixed one of her 'looks' on me.

"I know you've heard the rules. You may try to ignore them," true, "but you've still heard them. You have to choose at least one guy to go out with this week."

She wouldn't leave me until I agreed, so I groaned a fine and walked through the door to class. Now I had to actually think about this and strategize. If I asked only one guy, it would seem as if I were only interested in him (or in my case, actually interested). So I was going to have to ask more than one, maybe about three or four. It would cover my bases. But which guys?

"Hey Thera," Misty greeted as she walked into the classroom and plopped next to me. Class was about to start, and I figured I should actually focus for once.

On the way to lunch I bumped into Cole in the hallway. "Hey wait!" I stopped him.

He smiled at me. "What's up, Thera?"

"I oh um..." I had no idea why I had suddenly become shy, except for maybe the fact that I really didn't want to do this. "Do you want to uh, come over to my house tomorrow or something?" Cole chuckled a little.

"That sounds great. Just let me know what time, okay?" he said, then dismissed himself and left. I quickly made my way to the cafeteria, hoping I didn't look too awkward or embarrassed. When I entered the doors, I could see that our table had guests—Olivia and Oscar. I smiled slyly at the way they were sitting: they were in separate seats, but leaning closer to each other than they would normally. It just proved the point of them being right for each other. Score, I mentally cheered, but made sure that it didn't show. People would think I was more strange than they already thought I was.

School was over surprisingly fast that day, and I had to check my temperature to make sure I wasn't sick. On my way home I made a last minute decision that I was going to visit Graham. He was still in the hospital. Luckily, the internal bleeding was starting to self-heal from the pictures they had taken. I pulled into the parking lot, looking around. I was trying to see if I recognized any of the cars, but there were too many and vehicles weren't something I usually paid attention to. After check-in at the front desk area, I followed the instructions the lady had given me to Graham's new room. I stopped at the doorway to peek in to confirm it was his room so I didn't barge into the wrong one (fool me once, eh?). There was a table that was completely filled with cards and decorations of all sorts, most likely from everyone at school that knows him. I never know what to write in those things so I took the easy way out—I brought a balloon yesterday. There were also some new ones today too. He had a small stuffed horse on the table directly next to his bed. Probably from someone in his family, or the girl that was sitting in the chair next to his bed.

"Oh howdy Thera, come on in!" Maple said enthusiastically. I stepped forward and waved awkwardly to Graham. I felt as if I were intruding on a moment they were having. Somehow she had beaten me here after school and was sitting with him. "It's not my shift, but I like coming in to talk with Graham."

"Yeah," he agreed, "and she gives me updates on my animals." Graham smiled at Maple. Something there that wasn't there before...

"Well I just wanted to pop in, make sure you weren't alone. I'm gonna go." I pointed towards the door. They kindly said goodbye and went back to where they were before I walked in. If you keep up the act, people are going to think that awkward is your middle name, I scolded myself. It had been an odd day. I hope it's nothing permanent.

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