30- When Everything Goes Wrong

Start from the beginning

"Please, you have to calm down. One at a time please," she asked nicely. Destiny put a hand to her mouth and turned away. Ian and Rye on either side turned towards me. I cleared my throat.

"Is there a Graham here? Graham Rucker?" I didn't know quite what I was supposed to say in this situation, but I just told her what we knew. "He was in a car accident and we were informed that he came here. Is there any information that can be given about him? We have a lot of people that are concerned."

She clicked on her computer for a moment before giving us a look of pity. No, my heart plummeted.

"There's a report here for a crash, two people came in. One, despite our every efforts..." she trailed off. Oh God, I thought, clutching my chest. A single tear rolled down my face.

"Wait," Ian's voice was shaky too. "You said there were two people in that crash?" The lady checked her screen again and nodded.

"What's the condition of the other?" Rye jumped in. A few clicks.

"Still alive, so far the reports only mention a broken wrist and internal bleeding. It seems that this subject wore a seatbelt and the other didn't. This shows why it's so important."

"This isn't time for a lecture lady, we need to know if our friend is alive!" Destiny, much to my surprise, snapped at her. The lady's eyes widened slightly.

Standing up, she walked around to where we were standing. I got prepared to fight in case she had gotten offended or something, but she just told us to follow her. She led us to the emergency room section and stopped us before entering a room on her own. I huddled against Destiny's arm and she squeezed back. "Please be alive, please be alive," she whispered.

"You can enter," the receptionist said, "but only one at a time."

We looked at each other. "Who first?" I voiced. Destiny nudged me.

"You go," she said. Neither guy disagreed, so I stepped through the doorway. Two more tears fell from what I saw. I nearly fell down in my relief.

"Graham," I said, my voice sounding like a sob. My hand few up to cover my mouth. There were scratches all over his face. His chest and right wrist were bandaged in white cloth, while a smaller bandage was placed on his shin. "Oh Graham, I'm so glad you're alive." I stood next to his bed and went to reach for his hand to hold, but realized that I couldn't. Awkwardly, I pat the sides of my legs and wipe some of the sweat that had collected on them off. A male nurse entered.

"Girlfriend?" he asked when he saw me standing there. I let out a tense hah sound.

"No, I'm just a friend." He nodded.

"Well, I have to check some of his vitals, if you'll excuse me. He's still unconscious and probably will be for another hour or so. While the doctor said there was some internal bleeding from the impact of the airbag, he should be able to recover fully." I thanked him and excused myself to go back to the other three. Relaying what I saw and what the nurse told me, more tears escaped Destiny's face.

"At least he's alive," she breathed out. "I should go call the others to let them know."

"Yeah," Ian agreed. "Outside might have better reception." She quickly left, pulling out her phone. He watched her leave, then turned back to us. "Who was the other person?" he asked with insistency. Crap. I hadn't even thought to ask who else was in the car with him. Who would Graham wake up without? It probably wasn't anyone that I knew, but it was going to be bad for him. I felt my chest constrict.

"We need to find out who," Rye insisted as he left to find someone to ask.

"What can we do for Graham?" Ian questioned. Taking a look at him, he needed to being doing something to help with the situation, or at least to make it seem like he was helping.

"I can take first watch, if you want to take Destiny and Rye back to the others. When you arrive, make sure Destiny explains everything correctly and it doesn't get lost in translation. Work out a watch schedule for at least the next week; I don't want Graham to be staying alone whether he'll be asleep or awake. He needs company. Then, set the next watch for three hours from now and bring me food when you come. I like peaches."

Ian was serious until the last part where he cracked a little smile at the memory of remembering my obsession with peaches. Rye came trotting back over to us. His face was red and I could see sorrow resonating in his eyes.

"His brother," he said softly. "It was his older brother." We were all crestfallen. Ian quickly relayed what he and I had worked out to Rye, but he objected on one part.

"I'll stay here with Thera first shift," he insisted. "You take Destiny back to the others."

Ian left with Destiny while Rye and I sat down in Graham's room. There was only one seat and not enough room for the doctors and nurses, so we ended up sitting on the floor against the wall. I was still pretty shaken up, so Rye wrapped me in his arms and I leaned back into him. We sat there, listening to the heart monitor beep and the occasional update from a hospital staff, praying that Graham wake up soon.

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