WhiteRose vs DraconicIllusions

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Perceptible tension hung in the air as Skylar, Neo, and Pretender regrouped at the cliff's edge, their defenses raised after the failed assault. It was genuinely surprising how perceptive the opposing Caster proved to be, predicting not only their location but also anticipating Skylar's quick surprise attack while dealing with the rest of her group. Now, Saber stood poised below them, his sword unsheathed, vigilant and ready for the next engagement. 

Inside the battered house opposite them, Ruby aids Weiss to regain her footing amidst the aftermath while Caster stood steadfastly by their side, his imposing presence demanding respect. Meanwhile, Lancer assumed a vigilant stance, guarding the sizable breach in the house with unwavering attention. 

Skylar analyzed the situation before sharing a resolute look with Neo and Pretender. "Me and Saber will be the distraction, Pretender you will support the three of us, and Neo, focus on the girl in white; her servant will be the most troublesome," Skylar declared, her voice unwavering.

Neo, acknowledging the plan with a nod, gestured for Pretender to accompany her as they shifted to a more strategic position, preparing to execute their respective roles as Saber, kept his gaze fixed on the threats ahead, readying himself for the next move to make from his master

As Skylar observed the opposing team, a smirk played on her lips, drawing a scowl from Caster below. Swiftly, Skylar stowed her bow into a peculiar portal, which transformed it into a wakizashi. In a seamless motion, a second portal opened on the other side, from which she retrieved another wakizashi.

With one foot confidently placed on the edge of the cliff, Skylar unfurled her draconic wings, their majestic form expanding which she then, in a graceful yet fierce movement, propelled herself forward, ready to execute the next phase.

Inside the compromised structure, Ruby and Weiss exchanged a rapid glance before swiftly advancing to join Lancer at the forefront of the house while Caster surveyed the surroundings with a blend of arrogance and curiosity, his attention undivided.

As they moved, Weiss attempted to contact Jack through her earpiece. "Jack, this is Weiss. We've been ambushed." she inquired urgently, but only the cacophony of combat echoed in response. 

"Jack are you there? What's happening?" Weiss repeated, her worry deepening as the silence persisted, leaving a palpable sense of unease in the midst of the ongoing battle.

Concern etched on her face, as she shared this information with Ruby. "Something's not right, Jack isn't responding."

Ruby, her eyes narrowing in concern, swiftly called Izuku. "Izuku, some of Blue team got through! What happened?" she urgently called, but like before, their attempts yielded only the continued sounds of battle, heightening the tension as they stood outside the battered house.

The unexpected radio silence left them unsettled. "Something's gone wrong, Weiss what are we going to do?!" Ruby said, her voice tense.

Despite their brief conversation, Skylar, who had propelled herself from the cliff's edge, swiftly closed the distance with a maniacal smile while Lancer moved with equal speed to bring her down, but his strike was intercepted by Saber who skillfully deflected Lancer, while causing his stance to shift in another direction and swiftly retaliated with a slicing attack on the now vulnerable enemy.

However, it proved inconsequential, as Lancer effortlessly recovered and countered Saber with precision striking each hit with his fists. While In the midst of their struggle, Skylar found herself impeded by a Black Glyph, slowing her movements as she descended from the sky.

Seizing the opportunity, Ruby moved in for an attack however, Skylar, with a single flap of her wings, effortlessly shattered the Glyph, propelling herself upwards and evading the strike from the Red hooded girl.

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