What are we??

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Autumn's POV

The next morning I woke up to a new text from Paddy saying that he was making his way to the park and that he would be waiting there for me. I immediately opened the reply button to answer him as fast as I could.

Hey Autumn. I am on my way to the park. I'll wait for you there!

Oki doki I'll be there in 26minutes.

These 26 minutes were parted in 10 minutes of just freaking out about how he would say that everything was just a mistake and that he would not want to talk to me anymore. 3 minutes I was imagining how it would be if he asked me out. Some more 5 minutes were spent by me looking in the mirror to check if looked ok. I wore a black pair of flared leg trousers and a red long sleeved cardigan. The last 8 minutes I spent walking to the park Paddy and I would meet in.

Walking through the entrance of the park I say Paddy standing there looking around. His eyes wandered around and then he finally saw me. We locked eyes. These beautiful, gorgeous brown eyes I could get lost in every time I looked at them. I the made my way over to him. He greeted me with a hug and then we sat down on one of the few benches.

" So you wanted to talk about...." I started and he immediately took over. "Yeah so I wanted to say that I am sorry that I kissed you just like that. I shouldn't have done that. I think we would be better of as friends just yet." he finished, crushing my heart. " I was actually going to say the same thing." I said meaning the absolute opposite. "Okay great then would you want to hang out sometime soon?" he asked. "Sorry, my mom said that I should get back to practicing my routines. So I will not have that much time the next days you know. I replied.
" Alright then hopefully another time." he said standing up. "Yeah I should also get going now, I have to get ready for practice so see you around Patrick. I said walking away from him trying to hold back tears.

Paddy's POV

I watched as Autumn walked away from me seaming very sad. Shit I messed that up. She even called me Patrick. And she knew that I hated being called that name. I didn't mean to hurt her. I wanted to ask her out but it is way to early for that, right? I am the worst at those things. Man I actually liked her. I hated myself for the things I said. I started walking home. I should ask Tom he is way better at that stuff.
Arriving home I opened the door, took of my shoes and coat and put them in their usual place. Then I started searching for Tom.
I walked into the living room, where Harry and Sam sat on the couch, watching tv. "Did you guys see Tom?" I asked. They looked up from the tv into my direction. "I think he is in his room." Harry said. I thanked him and made my way to Tom's room.

I knocked on the door and then opened the door. "Hey Pads what's up? What did you guys talk about then? Are you going on a date?" he kept rambling. "Tom I really need your help I messed up a lot!" I said. "Oh god what did you do?" he asked shocked. "Untold her that I am sorry that I kissed her just like that and we should be better of as friends for now." I told him, growing sadder with every word I said.
"You did what? I thought you liked her?" he asked in disbelief. "I do but I would like to take it a little slower than that you know?" I answered. "But you don't do that like this! You can't just kiss her and then tell her you guys are better of as friends!"
And he was more than right by saying that. "But I only know her for what a week or so?" I told him. "I know but after new years, she will be gone in no time! And do you know if she will ever come back here? No you don't. So if you really think that you like her, you should go and tell her." he said sounding like one of those best friends from these american Highschool lovestories. "But how will I do that now? I already told her we should start by being just friends. "You know I might have an idea!"

Autumns POV

I was lying in my bed, talking to Maya on the phone.

"See I told you he doesn't like me!"
"And he actually said that you to would be better of as friends?"
I nodded my head yes.
"What an ass! Girl you don't deserve him! You are WAY to good for that!"
"I know. Thank you! But enough from me. Tell me how is life back home? What did you get for Christmas?
"So my parent got me a record player and a record from Taylor swift!!" she said super excitedly
"And what did Luke get you?"
"Oh he got me a guitar pick with our names engraved into it and a necklace with a photo of us attached."
"You guys are so cute!! Okay I think I have to get some sleep now I have to get up early tomorrow because my mom told me I need to get some practice done!
"Okay! Sleep well then don't think about that ass anymore! He is not worth it! And call me again tomorrow!Love you!!"
"Love you to M! Tell Luke I said hey!"
"Will do and now sleep! See you tomorrow!"

And with that I hung up the phone and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my makeup of. It didn't take me to long due to me not liking to wear that much makeup. As I got back to my room I took off my clothes that I wore on the day of and put on my Pyjamas. Then I laid down in my bed thinking to myself. Maybe Paddy was right. We don't know each other for that long. Maybe we really are better of as friends. We have the same humor and many of our interests are alike but maybe that isn't enough for people to like each other.
I don't know. Maybe it is better that way.
As  my thoughts went on I felt myself drifting off into sleep.


The next morning I was woken up by my alarm at 6 a.m. I felt some kind of adrenaline rush through my body, so I jumped out of my bed and started to put on my sport clothes. I decided a little jogging activity would not be that bad for the start of the day and so I wrote on a post it that I was going out for training and laid it down on the kitchen island for my aunt and uncle to see.

Then I grabbed my bag with my skates in them, put on my normal running shoes and went outside. I started running and it felt wonderful just like the other day I was on a run. I love taking runs in winter because you don't sweat that much. And the view! Don't get me started on the view. The light bit of snow everywhere and every house that is covered in Christmas decoration. Every time I'm on a run it also helps me sort out my thoughts and that day it  was very much needed for me.

Arriving at the ice skating ring that I have been to every time I was skating while I was here. I put on my skates and started working on my double axel and I even tried doing the triple axel but I failed miserably. But I will keep working on that!


Hello you guys!
It's me. Finally right? I know I say this every time but I am very sorry for not updating as much!
I hope you liked this new chapter. And please let me know if you enjoy the instagram post chapters that I have been doing. I am also open for critique, so let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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