Cookies and Love?

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I woke up to the smell of fresh baked cookies, so I immediately jumped out of my bed and went downstairs. As soon as I came downstairs I saw my aunt making cookies and dancing around the kitchen to Christmas music.

"Good morning", I said. "Good morning honey.", she said all smily.
"Should I help you with those?", I asked while I pointed to the cookies. "You can decorate them if you want to.", she suggested. "Only for you to know we will be going out to get our Christmas tree today. (it's the 21st of December).

After lots of sprinkles and frosting later I got dressed and went back downstairs where my aunt and my uncle were already waiting for me.
We all got inside the car and uncle Jack drove to the Christmas tree place.

We looked at least 1 hour to find the perfect tree. After we somehow got the tree to be settled on top of the car we drove back home.

Uncle Jack set up the tree and aunt Grace was waiting for him to be done so she could decorate it. She then askede to take some cookies to Nikki and her family.

So that is what I did. I took some of the cookies, put them in a box and went over to the Holland's house.
I rung the bell and waited for someone to open the door. Soon after someone finally opened the door. I recognized them as Paddy.

"Hi.", he greated me. "Hey.", I greated back. "Soo, what's up?", he asked obviously wondering why I was standing there. "Oh, yes uhm my aunt sent me to bring you guys cookies.", I said now remembering why I was here. "Thanks", he took the box, "Don't you want to come in?" he asked, but I didn't had much time to answer him because he just pulled me inside the house. "Come in, I'm home alone and I could really use some company." he said and who was I to refuse?

He set the cookie box on the kitchen island and went over to the couch to sit down. He patted the seat next to him for to sit down.
So I did.

"So, since you will be here for a little longer, we could play a game to get to know each other better?", Paddy asked out of nowhere. "I don't see why not?", I answered him maybe a little to quick. "How does the game work?", I added. "Basically I start or you if you want and ask a question then the other one has to answer it and ask a new question.", he explained. "Do you want to start or should I?", he added

I told him that he could start and that is what he did. "Where are you from 'cause you've never been here before and I didn't knew that Grace and Jack had kids.", he asked. "I'm from Ireland and I am not Gace and Jack's daughter, I'm their niece. I will be coming here every holiday now.", I answered his question. "Alright my turn. Is Paddy your full name or just a nickname?", I asked. "No it's not my full name, I'm actually called Patrick but I prefer being called Paddy.", he answered.

We went on and on until we were interrupted by the front door opening. I had learned that his favorite colors are blue and yellow (I just made that up, I don't know his favorite colors) and so on.

Tom, Harry and Sam came into the living room: "Hey little bro we are back!", Tom yelled. "Oh hi Autumn, what are you doing here?", Harry asked pretty confused becaise I was there. "I-", I started but was cut of by Paddy:"She was bringing us cookies."

"You mean Grace's famous cookies?", Sam asked excitedly. Paddy and I just nodded while trying to keep in our giggles. "Where are they?", Harry asked. "On the kitchen counter.", Paddy said.

The three boys basically ran to the into the kitchen to get the cookies. "Do you wanna go to my room? It's more quiet in there.", Paddy asked and who was I to refuse.

We went out of the living room through the kitchen, where we saw the three boys stuffing their faces with cookies, upstairs into Paddy's room.

He opened the door, went inside and sat on his bed, but I stood there just looking around in his room. He had some posters of some bands hanging on his walls, a desk infront of his window, a bookshelf with a lot of cool books in it and-

"Autumn are you alright", Paddy asked. "Yeah, yeah, I'm alright, you've got a cool room.", I said a little embarrassed. "Thanks, come on sit down.", he said while patting the seat infront of him on his bed. I sat down on the seat he wanted me to sit on.

"So should we continue with playing the game?", I asked because it would have been akward if no-one would say anything. "I actually wanted to ask you something.", he said and I swear I saw a little blush creeping onto his face.

"Alright, go on then, ask me anything you want to know.", I said. "So I was wondering if you-....", he was interrupted by Tom comming into his room. "Hey Autumn, your aunt is here, she wants you to come home.", he informed me and then walked out of the door again.

"Ok, then I'll better get going.", I said now turning to Paddy. "I'll bring you to the door.",he said. We went back downstairs to the door where my aunt was already waiting for me.

We were almost out of the door as Paddy came up to me and hugged me goodbye. "Bye Autumn.", he said. "Bye Paddy.", I said and with that we let go of each other and my aunt and I went home.

Later that night I couldn't really sleep because I was constantly thinking about Paddy. Now I was sure I definitely had a crush on him.

Paddy's  POV:

After they went home we had dinner and then I went to bed. As I was scrolling through Instagram I couldn't stop thinking about Autumn, the way she laughs, her smile and just everything about her.
I didn't knew her for that but I was sure that I had a crush on her.

Hey guys.

I'm so sorry that I didn't updated the story for a pretty long time but now that I have summer holidays I'll try to update more.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am already working on the next one.

I wish all of you a great day and if you already have them happy summer holidays ☀️

hubbyjackygrazerr you wanted to be tagged so here you go I guess <3

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