Last Day

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Autumn's POV.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. "Ughhh", I groaned and got out of my bed. It is the last day of school before Christmas. That helled my mood a little bit. Don't get me wrong I like school but sometimes it just suckes.

I took a quick shower without washing my hair because I washed it yesterday. After I got out of the shower I changed into some jeans and a green sweater.

(just how I image it)

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(just how I image it)

Today I had a little more time before school starts because our first lesson got canceled. My best friend Maya had demanded to pick me up so that we could walk to school together.
And that girl is always late.

I decided to have an apple for breakfast. After I finished eating I packed my bag and waited for Maya to ring the doorbell.

After ten minutes the bell finally rang. I opened the door and greeted my best friend.

"Do you have everything?", she asked.

"I think so.... No wait I forgot my skates!" I said realizing that I had forgot my beloved skates.

I went into my room to get them.
While knotting them onto my bag I went back down to my friend.

On our school way we were joined by Luke who was full of energy because the winter break was about to come.

I was happy that we didn't had to go to school but I had to spent the whole holidays in London with my aunt and uncle.

I don't have something against my aunt and uncle they're great but I will be so far away from my friends.

We arrived at our school and walked in. We only watched Christmas movies or played games. So the time flew by pretty quickly. Our teachers probably knew that we wouldn't focus that much because it is the last day.

After school Maya, Luke and I went to the park to go ice skating. My passion. I started when I was 3. I absolutely love ice skating as I said before it is my passion.

At the park we decided to first eat something because it was lunchtime and we haven't eaten yet. I sometimes hate my friends because they always steal my food. Just like today Luke stole the half of my fries.

But anyway...
We finished eating and started skating, since it was our last day together we thought it would be nice to do something fun.

Maya couldn't stand on the ice for 1 minute straight. That caused us to burst out into laughter many times today. "uwoooow" and with that Maya fell again. We immediately bursted into laughter.

After 3 hours of skating we figured that it would be a good idea to go to my place so they could help me packing.

Timeskip to when they arrive

"Do you want to help me Packing?" I asked my two beloved friends.
"Sure" Maya answered almost immediately after I asked.

I stepped onto a little ladder, that was now placed infront of my wardrobe, to get down my suitcase.
While I tried to do that Maya searched through my wardrobe to find something I can take with me.

"Luke!", I could use a little help over here." I half screamed at him.
He stood up and came over to me. He reached for the suitcase and hands it to me:" there you go. ", was all he said.

I went over to my bed and placed the suitcase on it.

"Autumn I found some cute things for you to take with you!" said Maya and came over to me with a lot of clothes.
"Well then let's get packing!"

Maya and I started packing my suitcase, while Luke just sat on my chair and looked through his phone.

Once we finished packing, Mayas Mother was already waiting outside to take both of them Home.

So now I had to say goodbye to my dearest friends, only for 4 weeks but it was still very sad.

"We will text everyday?", Maya asked.
"For sure.", was my response.
"And you will send us pictures of you on the ice and how it looks there ok?", questioned Luke.
"I promise I will do that aswell.", I assured them.

"We will miss you A", said Maya while hugging me tightly.
"I will miss you too", I said hugging her back.
I also hugged Luke and said my goodbyes to him, but after that they had to go home.

I closed the door and sat at the kitchen island. Ohh my Mum made pasta yum. We ate the pasta and talked about our days.

After I helped my mum to clean up the dishes I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, changed into my pj's and went to bed because tomorrow we had to go on a log car ride. I thank god that only me and my mum are going there, because I couldn't stand a car ride with my younger brother. Well my mum is only dropping me off in London because she has to go somewhere else because of her work and London is on the way.
So it will only be me, my aunt grace, my uncle Jack and most importantly the ice.

I went to bed and fell asleep pretty fast thinking of how tomorrow would be.

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