Christmas 🎄

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Autumn's POV

The next morning, I woke up to my aunt sitting on my bed trying to wake me up. "Good morning honey, Merry Christmas. " she said while hugging me. She told me to get up and come downstairs. So I got out of my bed and went into my bathroom to quickly wash my face before I changed into some baggy jeans and a cuddly hoodie.

Before I went downstairs, I decided to check my phone for notifications quickly. I had none due to it being very early in the morning, but I still texted Maya, Luke, and my parents, "Merry Christmas." Downstairs, I saw the Christmas tree was lightened up and under it stood many presents. "Come on, open your presents, honey," my aunt said.

I first gave them the presents that I got for them. After that, I opened my aunt and uncles present. They got me a hoodie from Harry styles ' merch, and I was thrilled beyond. From my parents, I got a butterfly charm for my bracelet.

I went back upstairs to get my phone. I had gotten two messages. One from Maya and the other one was from Paddy. Oh no. I opened the one Paddy sent me first.

Paddy: Hey, Autumn!
do you have time to come over ?
I would really like to talk to you

I decided not to answer his text, just jet because god knows what he wanted to talk about.

In that great moment, my aunt asked me if I wanted to join her in making some gingerbreadmen. I gladly agreed on helping her with them. We had a lot of fun making those gingerbreadmen. In the background, I was playing the best Christmas music on this planet. At one point in our baking session, Uncle Jack started dancing weirdly to the music.

My aunt and uncle are so much fun, I wish my parents would be as cool as them.

When the gingerbreadmen were ready, I decided to check my phone.

Maya sent me a message in what she wished me a merry christmas. Another message from Paddy wanting an answer. And one from my mum saying that she also wishes me a merry christmas and that I should not forget to train and work out.

So, to avoid Paddy as long as I could, I didn't answer his text. Instead, I decided to do a training session and go jogging afterwards.

Arriving at the ice skating place, I put on my skates and just skated a few rounds to warm myself up. Then I started doing some turns and jumps and tried to make them look better.

I was almost alone at the ice skating place since it was Cristmas day, you know, and everyone spend time with their families. On the other hand, that was pretty good for me because I asked one of the staff members if I could play some music so I could practice it.

Luckily, they said yes, and so I was able to work and perfect my choreography.

When I was done, I took off my skates and put them into my backpack. On the way back, I decided to jog, like I usually do.

As I arrived home, I dropped off my backpack and decided to go for another round of jogging.

Right as I was almost in front of my aunt and uncles house, Harry stood right next to me. Yeah, Harry Holland.

"Hey," he said. "What are you doing out here so late?" he asked. "I went to go and train a bit, and I just came back, and you?" I said. "Oh, we were out of biscuits, and Grace made gingerbreadmen." He answered. I just ended our conversation with a "goodbye." I have to go home now."

At home, I decided to text Maya and ask her for advice on what I should do with the whole Paddy situation.
I didn't know what to do since I was really scared to talk to him about the kiss, but on the other hand, it is very rude to ghost someone like that. Especially when something like a kiss happens between the two of you.

So Maya gave me the advice to be bold, and just  talk to him.

So I texted him: Hey Paddy, I would also like to talk to you about what happened. We could meet up tomorrow in the park or at my place if you'd like.

He immediately answered saying that we should meet up in the park.

Now I was very freaking excited for tomorrow. Shit. What was I going to wear? Would I put on make up? These stupid questions flew through my head even though the most important question was if he felt the same way that I did and would he want to get to know me further?

The rest of the evening I spent with Grace and Jack. We were having a lot of fun. Like we always had when I was at their home. The made me forget about tomorrow very well. Just when I was getting ready for bed. It hit me again. Tomorrow we would have to talk about feelings and emotions. How much I hated talking about these topics.


Hello my loves,
How have you been? Again I am very sorry for not posting anything this long I just hadn't had many ideas how to continue the story the best. But now that I got back to writing a bit I think I have some more ideas. Anyways if you have more ideas or any criteria please let me know.
So I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I wish you all a great day, night or at whatever time you are reading this right now.

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