First Meeting

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Autumn's POV.

We approached the door and my aunt knocked on it. A very beautiful woman with red hair opened the door and greated us with a hug. I learned her name was Nikki.

She let us in, we took our shoes and coats of and walked into the living room that was combined with the kitchen (yk what I mean). In the kitchen I saw three boys fighting over something, but I couldn't decipher about what. Two of them had brown curly hair an one of them had reddish-brown curly hair.

So I assumed that would be Nikki's sons then. But the boy that I've seen from my window wasn't there.

Nikki told us to take a seat at the table and went over to the kitchen island, to tell her son's to stop arguing.

They joined us at at the table and greated us for the first time today. I learned that their names were, Sam, Harry and Tom.

I swore that I might have seen them on the internet before.

Then it hit me... TOM PLAYS SPIDERMAN!!!

Omg I am so stupid.

Just then Nikki and the boy I've seen through my window came down the stairs. He sat down next to Tom and in front of me. He gave me a smile and introduced himself as Paddy.

Nikki then served the food and let me tell you it WAS HELLA GOOD.

While eating my aunt and Nikki started a conversation. "So Autumn, tell us something about you. How is school? And how is ice skating going?", Nikki asked me. It took me by a surprise that she spoke to me first, but I just answered pretty quickly: "School is good and ice skating aswell."
"And she is also amazing in it. I mean she is thus close to go to Olympia.", aunt Grace said while doing a handmove that should show something that is really tiny (🤏).

I blushed at her remark and told her that she shouldn't bring that up all the time. She just shrugged and waved it of. My aunt then started a conversation with Tom, and how he is doing with all the acting stuff. 8 went back to eating my food.

Paddy's POV.

I was in my room, when my mum knocked on the door,: "Paddy, could you please join us downstairs?" she said from the other side of the door that lead to my room. I got up from my bed and went out if the door to see my mum waiting for me.

We went downstairs.
Everyone was already at the table waiting for us. My eyes scanned the table to see who had come. Then my eyes drifted over to see the beautiful girl I had seen through my window. I learned her name was Autumn.

A little while later mum served the food and it tasted amazing as always. When mom asked Autumn about her hobbies, she answered that she does figure skating.

I was super surprised by that. I mean how? I never understood how people do that. I mean I can't stand on ice one minute straight without falling.

After dinner Grace and Autumn offered mum to help in the kitchen. Mum nicely declined, but they insisted on helping her. So they all went to the kitchen and my brothers and I sat on the couch in the living room.

They talked about shooting and how it went (they came back from shooting 2 days ago). But I was focused on Autumn. She looks so beautiful, she is kind and sweet and she does figure skating. OMG what was wrong with me. "Stop thinking like this Paddy!! ", I  thought to myself.

"Earth to Paddy! You still with us mate?", Tom spoke up and I turned my head to look at him and the others. "Yes sorry, I was in my thoughts, what were you saying?", I answered quickly.

A few minutes later mum walked over to us. "Grace, dad and I are going for a walk, do you want to come with us?" she asked us. We said that we'd stay here and do something else. Autumn stayed with us.

She came over to us and asked if she could also sit with us on the couch. We of course agreed. She sat down on the edge of the couch and just sat there quietly. Tom, Harry and Sam were talking shit like always.

Me and Autumn just stayed quiet and listened to their conversation. Tom then spoke up and said :"Hey, Autumn, would you want to show us some ice skating tricks and maybe even teach us how to do them?"
"YESS, that is a great idea!", Sam added. "Yeah I can do that." Autumn exclaimed while smiling. Omg she had the most beautiful smile-What was that? Oh God come on Paddy focus!

"So, what about Saturday? Have you got time then?", Harry asked. "I'm sure that I have time.", she said sweetly. "Great so we'll go ice skating on Saturday!!", Sam exclaimed (it's Thursday). "At what time?", Autumn asked. "We could maybe go at 10 am.", Tom suggested. "That sounds good!", Autumn agreed. Tom then went back to talking with the boys. Autumn and I sat there in an awkward silence and listened to there conversation.

Autumn's POV.

Paddy and I sat there in an awkward silence, while his brothers talked about something I couldn't quite decifer. I was going ice skating with the Hollands tomorrow! Isn't that cool?


Hello guys,

I'm very sorry for not updating in so long but I was very busy with school and stuff.
But I have holidays now, so I will try to update a little more.

Have a nice day😘🦋🌻

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