Take Care, Grandson. 11

746 33 28

Omniscient POV
Sept 22, 2014

It had been almost 3 weeks since Kay and Duke went out. He left earlier than planned and was a bit distant at first but they kept in touch.

She blamed Dayvon for almost prematurely fucking up what could've been. But even so, she couldn't feel more attracted to him knowing he was behind the shoot out and the dream she experienced that same night.

Still, Duke and Kay grew their bond through text but mostly on FaceTime.

"Ion think imma make it though, cause im filming shit outta town."

"Yeah, I feel you. I felt like you woulda liked the experience since I told you I was gonna put you on to some shit out here but, Get ya money Dee. You know I'm all for that."

"Type shit. But aye, I'm supposed to come back out there reaal soon. I just don't know when but, you got me then?"
He cheesed nodding.

"Please, I better be ya only tour guide, I-"

*Knock Knock*

"Ugh, imma call you later Dee."

"Ight Kay. Don't forget."

"Yess. I won't."

"Imma text you if you take too long."

"Okayy Duke. I gotta go."

"Ight. Enjoy ya day beautiful." He said smiling.

She thanked him, and wished him likewise before hanging up.

"Come in!" She exclaimed, slightly irritated.

Ms. Atterberry walked in making Karin immediately perk up.

"Good Morning Jacobs."
"Good Morning Ms.Atterberry."
She rose from her seat to shake her hand.

"Oh chile, sit down. You are too cute honestly."
Kay smiled taking her seat.

"I'm just stopping by to make sure everything is good."

Confused, "yes everything is fine, is everything okay? What happened?" Kay rushed.

"That's just it. Everything is flowing by great. I know this morning has been a hassle so I'm making sure you girls are holding up well."

"Oh yes," she chuckled. "It has been hectic today but, that's to be expected. Is there anything you need help with."

"Yes actually,"

'Of course there is.'
Kay thought, mentally rolling her eyes. She was drained.

"Detainee Bennett."

"What about Bennett? Another fight?"

"Yes of course. That boy is so adamant. I'm sure he's given you a run for your money."

They shared a hearty chuckle.
Kay agreed and the lady continued, "but."


"I know he's to come in for therapy today but, I can't help but realize. After checking his records since he's had, off premise help," she whispered, "he returned more focused. How did you do it?"

Kay chuckled mentioning "nothing really, he may have seen me as relatable. Also, I didn't pose as a threat to him. "

"I mean I've known that boy since he was wittle. And he's never structured up since he's been in run ins with the law. You wouldn't suppose..."

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