Take Care, Grandson. 6

700 37 16

Karin Jacobs POV

The scream that I scrumpt.
Chileeee. If the neighbors were close enough to hear, they would of thought he was getting a piece of fat ma. Speaking of fat ma, seeing Von standing at full attention was turning her on.

"You don't need me in here to handle your business." I said fake covering my eyes peeping at his size.

'Gah damn'

"Lo-lo Look, look at'chu peeking li folks. Ooo" he said genuinely laughing sounding goofy.

A.N.: Video of him laughing in the media 🐣

I couldn't help but crack a smile at his contagious laugh releasing a giggle. I was caught red handed when he pulled my hand away from my face unexpectedly.

'How is it even that big?'

Me just staring at it in lust made Von blush.
"Li folkss hahaha" he laughed again.
Shyly smiling, I looked away. He not finna make a nigga sin.
"Dis some fiye shit? I know yo horny ass be watching dat fiye Kay, don't be stingy na'." He side eyed me before continuing, "You be rubbing one out watchin' porn shorty?" He asked laughing again.

"I aint neva seen no horny nigga that gets no pussy laugh this much..."

Kissing his teeth, I rose my eyebrow at him cause who you getting sassy with mr. I gotta fuck my hand?
I found a video and handed him my phone about to turn on my heels.

"Uh on, where yo shit at." He got some damn nerve.
Snatching my phone back I began to walk out. "Kayy" he moaned, making me pause for a quick second. "Fuck ma, you really bout ta leave a nigga on hard?"
Stopping dead in my tracks, and leaned my head on the door.

'Aww hell, welcome to death row bitch.'

I looked down and instantly went to my photo gallery, looking back at Von as he continued stroking hisself. I bit my lip and whipped my head back around.

'Get it to fucking gether Kay!'

Clicking the most recent video in my 'hidden' media. I pressed play, extending my phone in his direction. The familiar moans flew out the speakers of my phone, and I instantly folded. On second thought, I pulled my phone back before he could reach it exiting out of the video.
"Woo shit" I laughed nervously.
Giving him back the phone that was now on pornhub on a random profile I always watched.

"Here, bye" i said as I quickly exited the bathroom.

"Fucking hell." I held my chest once on the other side of the door.

I slicked my hair up into a bun, applying my lip balm and lip gloss.
I put my earrings in, added my watch and bracelet then, I zipped up my bodysuit. Laying out my cropped wool sweater and a pair of uggs to stay comfy. In the midst of slipping on my boots, Von came out the bathroom and handed me my phone. I took it and he rolled his eyes, avoiding eye contact playing with his dreads.

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