"They don't kill unarmed people." Zoe pointed out, ever faithful to the Order. Talia glanced down at her two lightsabers, whip, and the (visible) knives on her body.

"Well, shit." She said cheerfully.

"We don't kill allies either." Obi-Wan interjected.

"Does it say that in your Jedi Code?"


Talia's grin was feral, triumphant. As usual, she was right.

"I see."

Zoe frowned.

"Where were we?"


"Yes, Malimo," Talia leaned back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other. "I will bet you my entire inheritance he'll try and get me alone at this party thing." Wait...what?

"Inheritance?" Anakin asked.

"I have money, leave me alone."

Obi-Wan considered this. The name Desafio...it wasn't super common in the galaxy. The only Desafios he knew were...well, they were a noble House. They only had one heir, and Lord and Lady Desafio had died twenty six years ago. Around the same time that Talia had ended up on the streets of level 1313.

Obi-Wan glanced down at the bracelet that still remained around his wrist. A little worn, now, he'd never once taken it off since that day twenty six years ago. His heart sped up. Could she be the same girl?

His eyes flickered back to her, picking up on all the mannerisms that still hadn't quite left her. The smooth, confident, elegant way in which she spoke and acted, the way she held her mug and also her knife and fork. It was subtle, that part of her barely alive, but it was there.

Lady Talia Desafio.

The woman he'd failed, all those years ago. If he hadn't, then he would not be sitting there with her. She would be safe.

"I'll come with you as backup."

Anakin and Zoe exchanged a look over their respective martini and hot chocolate, while Talia relaxed immediately. Obi-Wan could see her shoulder muscles loosen. A small, subtle movement, but it told him exactly what she was feeling. Theo looked between them, completely and utterly lost.

"Talia, you're engaged now." Zoe grinned.

"I actually have a ring somewhere."

"Of course, you do."

Anakin frowned, confused.

"Wait, why don't you just say no?"

"Because I am a woman, and he has a small dick."

Obi-Wan nearly choked on his herbal tea, again, along with Theo and Anakin (choking on food and martini, respectively).

"The Jedi Council would hate me." Talia mused thoughtfully, completely ignoring the men. Zoe looked upset, still being focused on Malimo.

"But we beat him up!"

"Yes, but I haven't stabbed him."

"What is your obsession with knives?" Anakin seemed bemused.

"They're pretty and easy to hide."

"Where the hell are we?" Theo blinked.

Talia snapped her fingers. "Information from the benefactors. We need to figure out their motives, why they're funding the Council. And where they're getting their money from."

"We destroy the source, we destroy the company," Zoe agreed. "But we have to find the source first."

"I made you both earpieces in case something goes wrong," Theo passed Obi-Wan and Anakin an earpiece each. "Master Kenobi, yours will take the form of jewelry for the purpose of concealment. It will also disguise you, so that the Dark Jedi don't recognise you. Talia, I upgraded yours, it'll disguise as an earring."

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