The Beginning

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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 7

My brother and I were in the middle of our lessons and this month's topic was going to be about monsters and the adventurer's system. The books we were given yesterday were so interesting. It talked about every monster's class and strengths and weaknesses, how dungeons work, the process of how a guild is run, the making of weapons, the culture and strategies of battles, the amount of history put into these pages, and how to navigate the basic skill screen everyone in the world can pull up. I secretly stayed up late last night reading this and thought about me going out with my bow and arrow to be a hero like the people who made it into this book. The teacher went on with the lesson until...

Teacher-Surprise quiz, time. (B/N), tell me all the rankings in order.

 (B/N), tell me all the rankings in order

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(B/N)-Um... F, D, C, B, A, and S.

Teacher-Wrong. (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-There are G, F, D, C, B, A, S, double S, and triple S. The rankings can go differently for food, equipment, weapons, potions, monsters, dungeons, adventurers in different categories, quests, and various other skills.

Teacher-Correct. Now, let's move on to what differences you will find. Although since you know that much, I would say you jumped ahead in the book.

I turned when I felt (B/N) kick me, so I scooted away from him to pay attention to the lesson. This is my favorite part of these lessons... Later, it was time for field training and it always ends the same way.


My wooden sword flew out of my hand and (B/N) kicked me out of the ring... again.

Teacher-Stop. We have a winner.

(B/N)-Hehehehe. Where's your book smarts now? ~

When the turned turned around, he spat on the ground next to me before the teacher came back with a healing potion for me. I healed myself by drinking it, but (B/N) didn't need one because I can't hit him. He got the skills of extra strength, faster speed, and a skill where he could make his sword stronger. It isn't fair! On top of that, I stink when it comes to swordplay which is why Father hates me behind some other's backs. Like Mother's and if I tell, he might punish me.

Teacher-That's it for the day boys. We will pick up on both lessons tomorrow.

He left me and my brother here alone. When he put his wooden sword over his shoulder he gave me a smug look.

(B/N)-You know, I have no idea why you bother to learn so much about adventurers. The only rank you'll get is a 'Z-rank'! When we grow up, you'll be lucky if we keep you around to scrub pots and pans! Loser! Hahahaha!

He walked away to leave me in the court and I saw a few guards walk by and do nothing to help me. Most of them changed how they treat me since our skills got reviled at the age of 5. I remember the stares when a lot of them learned that I was not good at swords and I never will be. I pulled up my magic screen again to look at my skills.

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