The Moment of Truth Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, especially with the help of the Ambrios siblings." I let out an unaldy-like laugh.

"You did not just say that, it was cheesy," I said grabbing my stomach from the laughter. He nudged me red with embarrassment. I flung my arm around him and held him close.

"Goodnight, Merlin."

The day I was dreading finally arrived. Gwen suggested I take breakfast to Arthur and have that chat. If she was fired up about it, then she should talk to him. But I knew she was right.

"It's not fair that you come to my hiding spot," I whined as I approached him. I pushed the bowl into his hands. "You need food to fight."

"Yes, thank you. I think."

I sucked in a breath, "You know food is scarce for my people. You shouldn't just turn your nose up at it." He looked at me with a hurt expression. Maybe I shouldn't have brought this up the day of the fight. I was being incredibly stupid.

"Oh no. I forget where I stand again. I'm sorry." I cooly apologized ready to return to the village.

He paused, "Alexandra. Thank you and you're right." I could tell he was hesitant.

"We'll be fine."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I have faith in my people. I have faith in my friends. And I have faith in you."

"Thank you."

The villagers hid taking advantage of discretion. We watched as Kanen's men galloped on horses towards the village fences. They broke through the fences and began to travel throughout. Gwen pulled the makeshift gate up blocking some men. Morgana was trying to start a fire for the signal but was unsuccessful. Without much thought, I dashed in her direction. Kanen spotted me and ordered his men to fire. I dodged the arrows flying my way and slid to the ground when I reached my destination. I grabbed the stone from Morgana's hands.

"Watch my back," I commanded which caused her to look away from me. This gave me enough time to use a spell to cast a fire. Flames of orange erupted from the ground in a man-made circle the village crafted. Arthur's voice boomed with the signal for us to charge. I picked my sword up from beside me and ran into battle. I ran to bandits not giving them the time to come to me. Swiftly, I eliminated two or three that way. When I looked towards anyone who would need help, I saw my mother pinned against a wall with only a broom for protection. Making my way over to her, I sliced the bandit's back and watched as he fell to the dirt. I held a hand to my mouth as I witnessed Merlin almost get knocked out. William jumped from the roof and killed the man. I smiled. I knew he wouldn't abandon us; he was also wearing his father's chainmail. I rushed to kill Kanen. If the leader fell, then we would have a huge advantage. Kanen swung his awe towards the villagers threatening. I decided to take Kanen on myself. It was clear that we were now at a disadvantage for the surprise only lasted so long. I spun my sword until it sat comfortably in my hand. Trying to find the best method to attack Kanen since he was on a horse, I used a barrel of hay as a boost to jump onto Kanen's horse. He was taken aback. I knocked his weapon out of his hand which resulted in him throwing his head back. His head collided with mine and I almost fell off the horse from the impact with my sword clashing with the ground. I reached for his fur cape and pulled myself back on. He used his free hand to grab my arm and fling my body forward. Half of my body was in front of him and the other half was still seated behind him. Suddenly, an unearthly gust of wind formed. The powerful wind blew everyone around. Villagers and bandits fighting to stand rather than each other. Using the arm that was in front and with this distraction, I loosened the saddle which caused us both to drop from the horse. I rolled away from him for my safety. My body stung from the height of the drop. I crawled towards the villagers. When Kanen rose from the ground, his army was gone. He cursed and called out Pendragon. A duel between the two began but ended quickly after a minute when Arthur stabbed Kanen. He fell to the ground clutching his wound.

"Who did that?!" Arthur exclaimed. "I know magic when I see it." Will and Merlin looked at each other. Realization dawned on me that Merlin would admit to it.

"What does it matter Arthur we won. The village is safe." I said sounding defensive and rising to my feet. Before Arthur had the chance to answer Will shouted and pushed the prince out of the way. The arrow from Kanen's crossbow went straight into William's chest.

"Will!" Merlin and I screamed. We rushed to catch his fall.

"You saved my life," Arthur stated confused.

"Ya, don't know why I did that," Will teased. We were able to get him into his own bed.

Will glanced at Arthur and covered for Merlin. "I did it. I saw how desperate we were becoming," Will struggled to say.

"You're a sorcerer?" Arthur questioned.

"Ya." Will chuckled looking at Merlin.

"Will, you're going to be okay. You'll go get to see him now." I choked out pushing down my tears.

"Can you do me one thing, Allie?" Will asked.

"Of course," I said holding his hand.

"Will you answer my question from the day you left?"

I sucked in a breath. I knew exactly what he wanted me to answer and what he would want to hear.

"The day you told me you loved me only made it harder for me. I fell in love with you while I grew up here. You were my best friend and Merlin's. But in my mind, you were too late. Confessing when I had to go. If it had been any other day, my answer would have been different." I solely said.

He smiled and laughed, "I'm a fool then. But I can die now knowing you returned my love." I nodded squeezing his hand. My eyes trailed off of Will as I saw Arthur leave.

When we watched William's body burn, I overheard Arthur and Merlin's conversation about William being a sorcerer. The prince claimed it was dangerous and Merlin should have let him know. I walked up behind the pair and spoke in a low tone.

"You know he could have let you die like you do his people. But he didn't because he did what was right. Not all people with magic are bad unlike what your father has taught you." Both of them turned around. I could tell Arthur was angry at my words, but he was absorbing them and breaking them down. He left to join Morgana and Gwen.

"We have to go with them tomorrow," I whispered to Merlin.

"If anything were to happen to mother..."

I cut him off, "She'll know where to find us."

He sighed.

"Plus I wouldn't mind returning here to spend my birthday."

He laughed this time.

"Is that all you think about?"

"Hey, it's not every day I turn nineteen." I shoved him lightly and he pushed me back. We engulfed our mother in a hug because in the morning we left to return to Camelot. We would await the next trial Arthur would face and defeat it together.

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