Episode 16 - Forest of Isceal

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When Amia and I reached the top deck, I was grateful for the time I had spent washing my hair and face. I felt a little renewed, and the sight of Everen, Kryal, Lian and Drogan, huddled around a lamp, discussing in hushed tones, was a little less daunting. This scene reminded me of my father.

Before his death, he had been the sort of person who had distinct views. He had spoken of the war that divided the lands and taught me and others about King Finrick of Larvan, Queen Eleanor, ruler of Latabin (our home), King Mustav of the Romas, and the Rebel Lands. The other lands were steeped in myth and folk law, he would smile and say that he wished he could have travelled to all of the realms if he could.

It was said that a land of powerful werewolves lay to the north-east of Latabin beyond the floating Forest of Isceal-a great expanse of rock that floated high above an uncrossable chasm carved hundreds of miles down into the earth.

It was a sight to behold, and as children, Tobius and I would venture out to the highest hills in Latabin and look towards Isceal. Thick green forests covered the top of the rock, which stretched as far as the eye could see. It's boundary skirts three of the realms. The island hovering above the chasm beneath it looked as though a god had ripped up a great swath of the earth and, undecided on where it should go, held it between our world and their own.

Home felt so far away, as the boat tipped against a wave and I had to adjust my weight quickly or fall.

"So. You're up." Lian smiled warmly at me through his bushy beard. His warmth was not lost on me. I smiled timidly. "That's better. You look to have a bit more colour in your face." He picked up a jug, poured some dark liquid into a small, round wooden dish, and brought it over to me. "This will perk you up even more." He passed me the dish, and I took a sip. "Don't be scared; it won't kill you. If you're quick about it and swallow fast, you'll get more of the benefit without the taste." He was chuckling again. His whole body shook with his mirth. Standing at least two feet taller than me, I had to tip my head back to meet his gaze with mine.

Everen's hands were grasped together, his elbows on his knees. His head was lowered, and the muscles in his back and neck hinted at tension. Kryal was very much the opposite. He gave me a small grin, brushing his hair from his eyes.

"You seem to be a bit steadier on your feet than earlier." Kryal commented as he stood and motioned for me to take a seat between him and Everen. Although sitting in that particular spot was not appealing, my unsure footing was becoming a strain, so I sat down.

Kryal excused himself to take up watch for the night. Amia followed him, leaving Everen, Lian, and I sitting in silence. Lian poured the dark liquid into his own cup and swigged it back. His large nose and cheeks were gaining redness from the strength of the alcohol.

"So, Esatain, you are to join our merry band for the rest of the journey?" My confusion must have been clear. Lian turned to Everen with a stern expression. "What exactly have you told her?" He asked bluntly, his deep voice rumbling through me.

"Nothing." Everen's eyes were fixed on me now, and I was unsure where to look. "Well, in case you hadn't noticed, Lian, there are slightly bigger things to worry about at this time. How exactly do you think we are going to win against Finrick if my father is as ill as you say he is?"

That was it. I wanted answers. "You mean your father, the King?" I injected as much strength as I could.

Lian cleared empty dishes from the table in front of us, looking from Everen to me.

"I'm exhausted from getting you out of trouble and to safety. Questions will wait until morning." Everen stood. Lian silently shook his head and walked away, carrying the dishes.

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