Episode 7 - Awakening

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"Everen!" The fearful tone in my voice matched Everen's gaze of shock.

"Everen, what is happening?" He was looking at my hands, and we both watched as a fine thread of light wove outward from them; it snaked into the air around us, almost probing for something.

"Esatain, look at me." Everen barked insistently.

I couldn't focus on anything but the light and the pure joy that was filling me. "Esatain!" His words were forceful. "Look at me. NOW!"

There was nothing but the warm joy within me that was building. The light was getting brighter, and the strands of light had coiled themselves around Everen's forearms.

His hand was on my face, tipping my chin upward so that my gaze met his, and then his mouth was on mine. Was this real? God I wanted it to be, but it felt almost dream like.

His mouth was so soft on mine, tenderly exploring my mouth. I wanted this from him but something felt wrong. I could suddenly hear Everen's laboured breathing, as if he were finding something physically difficult.

I could feel his hands in mine. My eyes opened as my body melted towards his. I could still feel the tendrils, but they were no longer searching; they were wrapped around us both in our embrace.

"Esatain?" He whispered in my ear as his thumb wrested on my lips. "You need to let me go."

I saw the tendrils of light pulsating. Everen seemed paler, and his eyes were dim.

"I don't understand Everen. I don't know how." I began to panic. I felt strong and fierce; there was something I could feel in me straining to be released. I couldn't quite work out what it was, but it was hungry for Everen; it wanted him with every part of its being, but he had fought it. His kiss had been in my imagination.

Everen now dropped to his knees, as did I, as we were still held fast in our embrace by the light strands wrapped around us.

"Esatain, I am dying; you need to let go." What, dying?

"I'm not doing this. I can't control it." The panic in my voice was evident.


My mind scrabbled. How could I be doing this?

"Esatain, this is your power, and you are taking mine. You need to let me go." Powers? The confusion in my mind deepened. "Think of something close to you, something you can focus on."

"Serefin." The word drifted from my lips as Serfin's image floated into my mind, and in an instant, the tendrils of light snapped back within me. It's almost like a defence.

My palms have now cupped Everen's face.

"I am so sorry." Tears were rolling down my face.

I saw some colour coming back into Everen's face, and he had the energy to stand now, bringing me to my feet with him.

"Esatain, who is Serefin?" His voice was still slightly laboured as he leant against one of the bed posts for support.

"She is....."

There was a shuffling at the door of the room and a knock. We were both brought back to where we were and who we were with a thud.

A young girl appeared in the doorway with a large jug of steaming hot water. She looked at us with interest as Everen was backed up against one of the large wooden posts of the bed, and I was standing just a breath away from him. She then turned away.

"Miss, I have been told to come and draw a bath for you." She walked through an archway in a wall I had not noticed before.

"I'll leave you." Everen's gaze was filled with unasked questions and unuttered warnings.

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