Chapter 1- Bright as day

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I have always been a summer baby, there is nothing about the summer season that I do not like, from the bright blue skies, the sun, going to the beach and the fact that there's no cold or a need to be buried in different layers of clothing are some of the reasons why this is my favorite season of the year.

" Amber, your father called to ask me what time should he pick you up today and tomorrow?" my mom asks as she enters my room without knocking.

I'm annoyed a bit,

"I'll be done by 5 in the afternoon but I already decided that I will drive there by myself", I tell her.

"Okay sweetheart " she says casually and I look at her because her voice is so loud and she should've knocked before walking in.

But my mom doesn't care about privacy or the fact that I am am adult.

" Yes, honey. She won't be needing you. That's what she said...and by the looks of it, she is not changing her mind", she says talking to my dad on the call.

I want her to leave my room in peace but she doesn't instead, she just starts walking around and my eyes follow her.

She looks at me as she is laughing, blushing and does weird childish gestures as if she is talking to her crush in high school but it's just my dad.

" Nope. She is stubborn you", she says rolling her eyes.

My parents behave like teenagers in love sometimes and you'd swear they only met each other yesterday. I don't even understand why they are planning their marriage vows renewal ceremony which is in the next few weeks because they don't need it - their marriage is fine just the way it is.

" Okay. I love you, too" *mwah*

She finally ends the call and walks slowly towards me then smiles as she looks at me,

" Your dad was disappointed...are you sure you don't need him to fetch you, sweetheart?", she asks and I shake my head.

" Yes mom I am sure but I will go check on him though. I had already told him", I say as I quickly grab my purse, car keys and cellphone from the bed - preparing to walk out.

My mom kisses me on the cheek before leaving my room - I don't know if she'll be working from home today or not but I really need to go now or I will be late.

I don't think I want my father to pick me up from the school at all - I have always driven myself there with the car that he gifted me for my birthday.

I told him yesterday at dinner that I will go see him at the bakery today so I don't know why the change of heart. I need to get used to driving this car that he bought me but I don't know if I ever will - as he constantly insists that HE should drive me around.

I don't agree with that because my whole life I have had drivers hired for me to take me to any place that I wished to visit but now as an adult, I prefer to drive for myself.

I still have to pick up Anna from her house around the corner and then we head to school. I hate that she makes me wait all the time on her driveway for 10-30 minutes before popping out.

I'm so annoyed with her right now because we will be late for the meeting, so I just stare at her as she approaches the passenger seat of my car.

Her hand slowly reaches for my car door, I put my radio on mute and greet her with a warm smile and hug before turning the car keys and driving off.

The drive to school is about 15 minutes, so we brief each other on the road and whilst I park my car at the parking lot of the school premises. We both get out at the same time and rush to the school hall for the teachers meeting.

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