I tried to keep my fear in control but I know he can mark me any second now and it became too much to control.

I whimpered and tried to took a step back from him but he stops me by holding me more tightly and bought his other hand to my lower back to keep me from moving.

"Shhh" that stopped me from resisting him and stayed there without moving an inch.

"Relax, it will be over before you know it" he whispered in a calm tone rather then his usual rude one.

That kind of did worked and I tried to calm myself as much as possible but my breathing was still fast and out of control.

He slowly started to rub my lower back in a soothing way to calm me down knowing I couldn't calm down anytime soon on my own.

He suddenly dug his fangs in my neck and i screamed, it hurts alot , the pain immediately made the tears to fall from my eyes.

I tried to push him away but he hold me more tightly to stop me from moving , I can feel him drink my blood and the pain started to increase more.

I tried to calm my self and stop the tears but the pain is becoming unbearable with every second.

"Stop.....st...stop" just When I thought that I couldn't bear it anymore that's when he removed his fangs from my neck.

He started to slowly kiss my neck where he marked me and moved away after a few seconds.

I opened my eyes when I knew that he is away from me , i couldn't see any of them properly due to the tears.

I moved my hands to where he just marked me but I couldn't find any blood , only the bite marks where there and the pain started to slowly subside.

Just when I started to catch my breath the second brother king Aaron started to come towards me.

He didn't waste a second and held my nape and lower back to keep me from moving and started to mark me.

I whimpered a little because of the sudden pain, i thought his bite will be just as painfull as king Alexander's, it didn't hurt as much as the first time but it is still painful.

He didn't drink the blood as his brother he just marked my neck for a few seconds and removed his fangs.

Even after removing the fangs he didn't move his lips from the mark.

He stayed there like that for a few seconds and slowly started to move away from me.

King Alexander marked on the right side of my neck and king Aaron marked on the left side.

King Theodore came infront of me , i thought that he will immediately mark just like the others but he didn't.

He slowly bought his hands towards my face and started to clean my tears away.

"This will hurt a little" he said in a small voice and i looked at him with fear and confusion.

"A vampire's mark hurts more than a werewolf's" now it made sense as to why king Aaron's mark didn't hurt as much as king Alexander's.

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