BC107: Thieves' Gambit (Baba Tribe vs. Heroes)-4

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"Just beautiful," Mercury said. "Can anyone untie me?"

"On it." Illea had turned black, in order to hide from the bandits and Grimm who were running around her, and now she was behind him, picking the lock on his chains.

Mercury fell forward once he was done, since he was numb.

"Are you all right?" Mai was helping Emerald up and taking the rope off her hands they'd tied them with. "Here." She handed her a coat.

"Thanks." Emerald shivered.

"I can get the prisoners out of here." Mai looked up, holding up a hand, and the air shimmered around it.

"You okay?" Neptune helped Royal up.

"I'll be fine," Royal said. "Boy, you guys sure like to take your sweet time. Ow." He winced.

"I can't get this!" Weiss was trying to get Cinder's chains off.

"Here--" Royal walked up and stuck a paperclip in the lock, and it clicked open. "Takes adjusting the right movement."

Weiss pulled them off. "Cinder? Are you okay? Talk to me."

Cinder fell to her knees and then began to rub her feet. "I'm fine," she said. "What took you idiots so long?!"

"She's okay," Weiss announced.

"That d-----d woman is running for it," Raven said.

"At this rate, she'll go out the back," Emerald gasped, leaning on Mai.

"Oh...no, she won't," Raven grinned. "You see, we have a little backup plan for that."

* * *

See, Raven was too smart to just come in all at once.

After the distraction plan was underway, and Hypnosia, going in with her crew (who thought they'd been broken out by her and Mino) had confirmed that the scouts were pretty convinced that the Grimm were truly attacking a town, Raven had told Theo to make sure they got the hideout surrounded once he got to it.

Hypnosia had put the scouts to sleep in a direct path to the hideout after Theo had confirmed he could find the others inside it from the outside.

Theo and the decoy squad had then taken care of the Grimm easily, especially with Penny's help and part of the hero team--and also the Faunus from Menagerie who'd joined them.

Also with them were, as a surprising last minute addition, Jasmine Sultan and Taylor.

They had insisted on joining the party in Menagerie, where they'd been taken with the others for their own protection and had witnessed the destruction of the city.

Jasmine would not be talked out of going, no matter how much they told her it was dangerous, and Taylor wouldn't either. Finally Sun and the Belladonnas gave in.

Raven had chosen who she thought would be the best people to just go in for the sneak attack and taken the bandits off guard, and told the others that once they were in, they should move and surround the hideout on all entrances.

The heroes and Faunus team had left while the others were still cleaning up the Grimm, knowing the bandits would likely never notice that some of them left the group if they thought they were just going after Grimm.

Then the backup students and huntsmen would follow them once the Grimm were taken care of. Ruby had stayed behind to help wipe out the last of them, and then she would use her Semblance to catch up and meet Theo and the other half of the hero team at the waterfall.

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