217: Castles Crumble, Kingdoms Fall

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When Neo saw Roman, she'd assumed he was an illusion, but this was not the whole truth.

While, indeed, he'd not said any of the things she'd heard, he had seen her in the same street, but he never heard the god or her speaking. It was like watching a silent film--as really it usually was to interact with Neo.

But Roman also heard no one else speaking. Just people walking past and not making eye contact.

He saw other people from the team, but they never looked at him or spoke.

Rightly unnerved by this, he deduced this was some kind of illusion.

"Is it an illusion, or is it the reality, if they admitted it?" The god of darkness appeared like an inflatable man in front of a car dealership. [You can't tell me you don't see it if you watch Vol. 6, ep 3.]

It was still scary even while looking ridiculous, and Roman cringed.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Destruction," the god of darkness answered.

"Well, you're a little late to the party." Roman pulled out a cigar.

"That's what I like about you, Roman Torchwick." The god of darkness spoke in more of a growl, but it wasn't nearly as intimidating, as he just sounded grouchy. "You're so realistic for a human. They are petty and callous as a race. Only after their own gain."

"Then we aren't so different." Roman pushed his hat up with his cane.

"Perhaps not." The god surprisingly did not get angry at that. "We must look after our own interests or we'll never get anything. And that said, we have a difference of interest right now."

"Ah, yes." Roman began to perspire. "Well, there's not much we can do about that. We want the world--you want to destroy it. It's pretty much impossible for us to compromise."

"There is not total destruction or total survival," the god said, "as you well know. Some survive, and some don't. What matters is which you are."

"I would agree with that on principle." Roman twisted the cigar. "Except that it's a bit of a broad statement, I see now. It really says nothing about the way things should be, just the way they are."

"And what does it matter what you think should be? Reality is what it is," the god said.

"Well, it is, champ," Roman said, waving his hand. "Except that it's not always what you think it is. For instance, I thought the world was godless and alone, and then I find out that you gentlemen left it a long time ago, in the hands of such charming figures as Salem and Ozpin--Ozma, whoever he is. Now here I thought the world just sucked because it did, but come to find out, it could have been different, had you fellows left it alone. How do you think that makes a guy like me feel?"

"You question us?" the god of darkness said.

"In a word, yes," Roman said. "I mean, we can't argue that it didn't turn out well. That's why we're here."

"You are here because that girl dared to ask for your life back and disrupted the balance of things!" The god suddenly began to be angry.

"And some people delivered," Roman said. "I know that grinds you two entities because it upsets those arbitrary rules you put up, but you see, I really don't care. Being I'm a survivor. So I support whatever is likely to make me survive. The way it shapes up to me, my chances with you would have been about 0. So why on Remnant would I ever side with you? Think about it."

"This is what you say to a god?"

"If you are a god, you're not much of one," Roman said.

"Why--!" The god of darkness raised a clawed hand to strike at him.

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