Chapter 41

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Last day of 180-ish

It was the last day of school, last class on the last day of school actually. Coach hadn't made them get dressed, had actually just been showing sports movies the last week - which she was pretty over, since there are only so many underdog stories she could handle. Sarah assumed coach was ready for the summer as much as they were. 

Sarah looked around the gym. They were sprawled out on the bleachers, some students were blankly staring at the movie screen while others were on their phones. Still others were chatting quietly further away. Jessica and Lindsey seemed to be braiding each others hair, while two other guys had moved over to the doors of the gym and might be planning to skip out early. She couldn't blame them. It was brutal to watch the clock tick down. All her final projects and tests were done, even the AP exams had been completed earlier in the week. Now, it was just a waiting game. Mr. Gibson had told the class that there were certain hour requirements for high school completion, so they needed to make sure they had that contact time. Even if it was watching movies... 

Sarah glanced nearby, where Abby and Chris were sitting two benches down leaning their heads together as they chatted. Dylan and Leo were crouched on her right, playing some football all-star game on their phones, battling each other for a high score. Ryan was leaning across her as he watched their battle. Sarah could only sit and think how strange this situation was. What had brought her to this point? How had she found herself in the midst of people at school, not just around them but part of them?

Sarah's mind raced back to the start of the year and her anxiety. The first month of her junior year had passed by like usual. She blended into the scenery, not participating in anything, not drawing attention to herself. Staying quiet at home and school, never doing anything else, living only with the hope that she could just make it through two more years and get out. Sarah had nothing else to live for, nothing else to do but hyper-focus on her anxieties and her family life.

Little things had started getting in her way though, like Chris and Abby who somehow wanted to be her friends in spite of all her issues. Jeremy befriending her in Spanish. Then there was Ryan, who turned his sights on her after that first altercation with Leo. Looking over at Leo she thought that he had changed almost as much as she had. As she stared, he looked over and smiled, sensing her thoughts maybe. 

A bunch of them would be leaving town, heading off to college next year, or just to explore something beyond their small town. Sarah had a few graduation parties to attend this weekend, as well as graduation itself. She wouldn't have pictured that at the start of the year. She didn't even think she was missing anything, who needed friends? Who needed activities? It was crazy to even imagine the last year from that perspective now.

As the bell rang, the gym erupted into chaos as everyone tried to get out as quick as possible.  Sarah stood up slowly, not really ready yet. As she was pulled down the bleachers, it dawned on her finally...Summer had begun...


Graduation happened that morning - it was Saturday and Sarah had never attended one before. She ended up sitting with Abby and Chris, along with a few other juniors and sophomore who came to support their graduating friends . It was interesting to watch the formalities, the speeches, the excitement, as an outsider. One more year was her main more year and she would be done too. Even with everything that had changed over the course of the year and the growth she felt she had made in herself, Sarah was still counting down the days until she could leave home. College was still going to be her out, her exit from an alcoholic father and enabling mother, from a house that never really felt welcoming or her own. Something she hadn't realized until recently actually.

Ryan's graduation party started at 3. Right now, they were at someone else's house. Sarah was just tagging along for the ride as they went to a variety of graduation events. There would be a few more next weekend, including Dylan's party, that Sarah would go to. She wouldn't be able to make it to the list Ryan had for Sunday, since she was doing a double shift. 

This party had a lot of people Sarah didn't know. A few she recognized from school, but most looked like family members. She felt pretty uncomfortable going to these things, socializing with people she didn't know, but Ryan had asked her along and it was the least she could do. She liked to find a nice quiet corner to stand in, or even better a table to sit at out of the way, until Ryan found her and either tried to get her to socialize or they headed to the next house. Sarah had only been invited to a few of these events - Ryan and Dylan's, as well as some of the girls from the basketball and soccer team that also graduated. It was interesting to hear the different schools they were attending and what they hoped to study next, although most were in-state a few were heading further away. Sarah wondered where she would end up? She doubted her parents would throw a celebration for her next year, but that was ok since she hated being the center of attention.


Sarah groaned slightly as she stretched from sleep. Yesterday had been exhausting, both mentally and physically. So many social interactions and then Ryan's party going to late at night. With that thought, Sarah remembered something else and her eyes popped open to the view of a room that was not hers. At that same moment, perhaps sensing her tensing up, an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards a warm chest. Sarah found herself spooned with a large leg tossed over hers for extra affect.

"We are not getting up yet." Came a mumble from next to her. "I know your shift doesn't start until 10, so we will stay here until like 9:30."

Without thinking, Sarah blurted out "I will totally need to pee before then."

Ryan laughed, but didn't let go of her. "Just let me know when." Sarah sighed and thought back to the previous evening when Ryan had convinced her to text her mom that she was staying over at a friends. When Ryan's party had ended, Leo, Dylan, and a few others had stayed longer, drinking and reminiscing about their time in high school. Sarah had listened to some of the stories and thought they must be joking, but the escapades the group had done in the past four years sounded almost like a movie plot. She had been so oblivious to what was going on in her own school. It was bittersweet for her to listen to their stories, since the group was leaving and she would be around for another year. 

As the party finally broke apart early in the morning, Ryan brought Sarah upstairs as others crashed out in the TV/game room. His house was huge, so he actually had a small suite on the opposite side of the building from his parents. Sarah had never actually been upstairs in his house before, so was pretty surprised as they climbed. They'd only really hung out in the game room and living areas downstairs before.

"Pretty much only Dylan and Leo have been up here, but I will make an exception for you I guess." Sarah laughed, but looked at him in slight confusion. "Well, it's sort of my personal space really." 

"Should I say I am honored?" Sarah questioned, adding in "or do you have a nefarious reason for bringing me?"

At that moment, Ryan had pulled her through a door on the right. Shutting and locking it, he turned back with a grin. "Totally nefarious."

Coming back to herself, Sarah realized her bladder was calling. Pushing away from Ryan, she said "I do need to get up now. Let go." Groaning, he finally let go.

Sarah climbed out. Looking down, she saw she was swimming in one of Ryan's shirt as her clothes were scattered around the room.

Staring, Sarah thought again of that one moment, that one moment....that changes everything.

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