Chapter 33

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Valentine's, part 2

Less than an hour later Sarah found herself pushed up against a locker in a deserted hallway.

Her mind was awash in sensations as she was abruptly pulled out of the moment when Ryan lifted his mouth from hers and looked over. Shaking her head slightly, Sarah also glanced over to see Dylan and Leo standing down the hall in a more lit area.

"While I am glad you two are finally working things out, I am over this dance and ready to bounce." Sarah heard Dylan say. She could see Leo's smile as he added in, "Ryan, you still riding with us, man? Or..." and he waved his hand in their direction.

"Shit. Yeah. I totally spaced it." Ryan responded quickly. Turning back to her as he moved away slightly, "You wanna come with? We were just going to go over to Dylan's and chill for a really wasn't expecting to enjoy this dance so much." She heard the laughter from his friends as they walked closer to where her and Ryan were located.

Sarah was still trying to get her mind back. At the moment, she couldn't even remember how she had gotten to this point. Where had the dance gone? 


"She's speechless man." Leo laughed some more as Ryan reached out to hit his shoulder.

Sarah was finally able to make some semblance of what was going on, "I came with Abby. Not sure where she is."

"Of course you don't. This fool distracted you from the dance with his smooth moves," Dylan commented. "Abby's out dancing with a group still. I'll go tell her we are kidnapping you and meet you all at the car."

Both Leo and Dylan wandered back down the hall. Sarah looked around and finally realized that they were standing in the senior wing, just down from one of the cross halls. She let out a loud sigh before she could contain it, then looked up to see Ryan's eyes intensely focused on her.

"So, uh, yeah. I didn't plan to sweep you out here for a make out session. Just so you don't think I did." Ryan paused for a few seconds. "Not really sure where this leaves us though," leaning back into her body so that she could feel all of him, "but I missed kissing you." With that he gave her a quick, yet really intense, kiss before pulling back again. 

Grabbing her hand, Ryan started to pull her back towards the gym without even waiting for her response. "I am sure that your mind is racing right now, so I am not going to expect a response from you until you hash out what happened and think it over, plan out our conversation a few times and then finally talk to me. In the meantime, let's go find Dylan and Leo. We were just planning on watching some horror movies to cap off the Valentine's dance."

Sarah just followed wordlessly, totally feeling exactly what Ryan had predicted. Her mind was going crazy starting to go through what had just transpired.


After the flash mob dance wrapped up, Sarah had found herself dancing alone with Ryan. She wasn't totally sure how he had finagled it, but there she was doing a slow dance with him. It felt great. Sarah had not realized her body was crazing the physical contact it had become accustomed to for a short stretch last fall.

"Thanks for saving me a dance." Ryan loud whispered in her ear over the music.

"I don't think you actually asked for it before pulling me away from the group." Sarah interjected as Ryan laughed.

Over the next hour or so, Sarah found herself dancing with the group of girls she came with, Ryan, Chris, and even Leo once, before being grabbed by Ryan to go find some drinks.

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