Chapter 11

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Day 59 - Halloween Shenanigans

Sarah didn't know why she had allowed herself to be talked into dressing up for a Halloween party out in the middle of nowhere on someone's farm field. What had her life become? What was she even going to wear?

Since the now fateful football game, Sarah had mostly ignored Ryan and the feeling seemed to be mutual. After the weekend had ended, chemistry lab partners had been switched up again. Sarah now found herself partnered with a Anna, a girl also on the basketball team. Ryan was now partnered with Dylan. Not only were they no longer lab mates, but the random meetings around school had stopped as well. Sarah had taken the hint and made sure she was scarce when possible. Obviously Ryan regretted the kiss on Monday, the way he pretended she didn't even exist, likely wondering what he had been thinking in that moment. Probably feeling sorry for her. Abby and Chris had taken over driving her around when needed, along with Anna and even Dylan once when she had missed the bus after gym class. She felt a bit guilty, but none of them seemed to mind. Not only was Sarah still working at the diner and picking up additional hours, she had also started doing some basketball practices to get ready for tryouts. She still wasn't totally convinced yet. 

Sarah caught her mind wandering from the chemistry experiment at hand. Good thing it was super basic for a Friday. It had only been two weeks since the kiss, and really she had only started talking to Ryan recently, so why did it seem like she had lost something. Sarah had started out the year alone, wanting to stay that way and just get through two more years before she could leave and go to college. What had changed in there? Why did she want more all of a sudden? Well, maybe a part of her did, the rest still just wanted to fade into the background.

The football team wasn't playing this week, which worked well for the planned Halloween party. Abby and Anna had both told her that "everyone" was going to be there, so she had to come as well. Chris also made sure to tell her that he was going, as Luke Skywalker no less. Sarah wasn't too sure about the whole thing. She had reverted back to eating alone outside. It seemed easier that way and she was more comfortable by herself. Life was kind of back to normal, maybe. 

Glancing up, Sarah caught Ryan's eyes from across the room. He kept looking at her for a few seconds and then turned back to Dylan as he said something, shrugging his shoulders. 

School could not get done soon enough!


Sarah found herself running to the bus after gym class. Luckily they had split into males and females today in order to practice wrestling moves. Not really her favorite module so far in PE, but it was worth it to not have to interact much with Ryan over the past weeks. Wrestling wasn't really her sport. She was pretty flexible and could get out of pins rather well, but didn't have the aggression or weight to really make any moves herself. 

Just making it onto the bus, Sarah felt her phone vibrating. Who was texting her now? School literally just ended?

It was from Abby: Hey, you have an outfit yet? I'm picking you up at 9 sharp!

Sarah sighed. She would have to admit she didn't have anything to wear. Texting the obvious and then also reminding Abby that she would be sneaking out the back tonight, just in case, Sarah slipped her phone back into her bag after seeing Abby respond with "wear something small and black". What could Abby possibly have planned for her costume?


Sarah had guessed correctly...her parents were already in bed by 9. She could kind of understand their fatigue, since they were gone from 5am to 6pm every day of the week and it was Friday. It still annoyed her though. They never did anything, even on the weekends (hence her poor social skills). Well, in her dad's case he drank along every night and all day on the weekends.

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