A woeful holiday - Chapter 4

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London, England 1802

The small hint of a candlelight illuminated the lonely room, the grounds empty of teenage boys and teachers. The hallow room in which Gerard sat was fumed by loneliness and a hesitant feeling of guilt. The holiday had come, and his classmates had left all cheering as they exited the black interlocking gate of Eton, hurrying home to see their families. The thought of returning home crossed Gerard's mind, but it was quickly dismissed by the gloomy presence of his stubbornness.

Charles had almost fallen over as he hurried out of his final class wishing his friend goodbye and a happy holiday, rushing home to his family which he'd spend happily with his parents and sister a large festive he'd described in detail with a cheerful grin on his rosy cheeks and crooked teeth shown. Thomas acted as though he wasn't bothered by seeing his family again, but Gerard could see the meek emotion of joy surge through the boys' body at the mention of Christmas and Benedict was happy as ever to return home, happy to be with his family once more to see his pregnant mama and his grinning father with his five other siblings.

Benedict had left last, bidding Gerard goodbye and making sure he promised to visit the big white manor across the field when he returned home himself to his family. Of course, Gerard had lied to the Bridgerton he was not returning home not this Christmas. He planned to spend it alone, seeking his comfort in his work and his dull, empty dorm room.

He sat still on his chair staring at the piles of parchment which had been scribbled on, trying his hardest to finish his ongoing assignments early. The piece of paper blurred into one apart from the pile in his draw, all unopened and sealed with a green wax stamp. He sighed loudly, rubbing his face before opening the envelope and beginning to read the writing that was dried from months of ignorance.

Dear Gerard, 16th June 1802

It's me Eden, your dear and favourite sister of all how are you ? How are your studies ? Are you top of your class yet ? I am certain you are ! I hope all is well and that you and Benedict Bridgerton are enjoying your education. Not only that, but I wish I was there. I would love to fence and attend studies, but atlas's I am at home with Mistress Pippeer. She is teaching me sewing. My fingers are covered in tiny wounds. I fear I may have bled out the other day, which would have been sad as I would have been dead on your return. I have been dancing, although not the kind that pleases mother. I am now taking ballet lessons. She approves of the discipline and skill it takes but not the outfit or the art itself, which is very typical of her... I hope to see your reply soon, make sure to eat good food and drink plenty, I wish to see you soon.

All my love, your dear sister, Eden.

He threw the parchment aside, ripping open another green seal with Benedict's perfectly placed letter opener, seeing the scribbles of his sister's neat handwriting again. Her word's continued down the page much more this time, as though she wanted her small check in to drag into a visit of his life.

Dear Gerard, 28th August 1802

Hello Gerard, it is me again, your sister Eden. I really hope all is well. Mama has been asking about you as per usual. She wishes to write, but she can't seem to not stain the paper with tears of joy, knowing her perfect little prince is off working so hard at boarding school. Those were her words, not mine. I would use another language, be sure of it brother. I hope studies are going well. I hope you're still top of your class. I am certain father would be proud. George is starting piano lessons but seems to take no interest in it, but what can you expect from a ten-year-old he has started to write plays which me and Clara perform for Mama and papa George stays out of them though he says he likes to direct and not act I think with how dramatic he is he may just be wrong when your return we have the perfect one to perform with a role fit for you George say he is a brave knight who turns in to the king of the realm protecting those around I think it is very fitting. Clara has begun to talk more and even started to write her own sentences. She is a little rascal and has even started to play with my dolls, though I may have to give them to her as she sees more use for them than I do. I am still continuing ballet, and I am getting rather good, maybe even make a star in the future, performing for the king and queen. I do hope, sadly, and unfortunately I have to continue my studies mama makes me do so and now I have to LEARN EMBROIDERY ! Can you believe it, I hate sewing, I simply detest the word and thought of the useless skill? Anyway, I better finish's this letter as Mama is calling for dinner please reply. I notice you didn't to the previous letter. I assume you are busy, or it has got lost on transport, we would like to see you again soon, even if it is just for tea.

A Lords love |Gerard Walseworth|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang