A far place from home - Chapter 15

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London, England 1804

The morning sun filtered through the windows of the dormitory, casting a soft golden glow over the sleeping forms of the two men. As the first rays of light began to stir the room, Gerard groaned and slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the sharp pain that pulsed through his head with a groan, he sat up in bed, rubbing his temples as he tried to shake off the lingering effects of the previous night's revelry. Beside him, Benedict stirred from his own restless slumber, his face contorted in a grimace of discomfort.

"Benedict." Gerard mumbled "Benedict." He called his friend once more before lifting the pillow from beside his head throwing at his friend sleeping form who quickly jumped up. "What ?" Benedict rubbed his eyes harshly trying to shake any sense of drowsiness from his body. "We have class." Gerard mumbled once more his eyes barely able to stay open with a collective sigh, the two men dragged themselves out of bed and began to go about their morning routine, their movements slow and sluggish as they tried to navigate the fog of their hangovers. Despite their best efforts to appear composed, it was clear to anyone who crossed their path that they were not quite themselves.

As they made their way to their first class of the day, Gerard and Benedict exchanged weary glances, their expressions a silent testament to the trials they faced. They stumbled through their lessons, seeing Charles not present for the first two classes their minds were still left foggy with fatigue and regret, they knew that this was a lesson they would not soon forget. For in the harsh light of day, the consequences of their drunken revelry were laid bare, a reminder that even the sweetest moments of indulgence could leave a bitter aftertaste in their wake.

Despite their hangovers, Charles, Benedict, and Gerard ventured outside for lunch. The sun beat down on the school grounds, casting a warm glow over the lush greenery and stone pathways all three wincing at the bright light. However, Charles found himself struggling more than others, his head pounding mercilessly with each step. Benedict and Gerard chatted amiably about the events of the previous night, their voices a pleasant hum in Charles's throbbing ears. He forced a smile and nodded along, trying to hide the discomfort gnawing at him from within.

The three as down on an idle bench in the deep shade all quietly eating small sandwiches there back hunched and eyes closed not paying attention to anything. Benedict became strong enough for his eyes to peel open and actually look around the courtyard his gaze fell upon an approaching group one that looked all familiar. "Gerard." He nudged his friend "what ?" The man grumbled as he just wanted to enjoy his food. "Gerard open your eyes." Benedict nudged him again. "I really don't want to." He answered his friend his head still hurting.

"Gerard." But this time the voice wasn't Benedict's. It was the stern voice of his fathers. "Father." Gerard stood up quickly too quickly as his body went dizzy. "Brother." Eden quickly ran over embracing her dear brother in a warm hug as another pair of smaller arms wrapped round him George hugged his older brother eagerly. "it's good to see you." Her voice was soft and comforting "it's good to you both too." He smiled at Eden George arms still wrapped round his brother Gerard hand reaching to his brothers head affectionately ruffling his black curls. Gerard look back at his sister her eyes briefly met Benedict's, who sat groggily on the bench trying to stop sick from coming up his throat non of this which Eden knew she had though he looked rather handsome.  Gerard stared at his sister with her delayed action and could see her cheeks flush with warmth and how she quickly looked away, hoping Benedict had not noticed her reaction.

"Benedict..." Henry nodded his head as his eyes turned to Charles who sat on the floor his head in his hands "and ?" Henry waited for the blonde hair man response but Charles hadn't been noticed Gerard's family presence until Gerard sent a harsh kick to Charles leg making him lift his head "Charles. Charles Bulleting sir." He slowly smiled. "Right." Henry replied with a cautious nod. "Urmm what... what are you all doing here ?" Gerard scratched at the back of his neck. "We are here on tour." George quickly answered "why ?" The bluntness of Gerard voice appeared "because father wanted to visit again for when I attended." George responded kicking at the ground. "Oh..." Gerard mouth fell. "Gerard, it's wonderful to see you, dear," Emily, Gerard's mother, exclaimed, her smile radiant as she embraced her son. "We've missed you so much, How have you been ?" Emily added. "I've been well, mama " he replied, his voice tinged with happiness.

"Well since you're here and well son you can give us a small tour in certain you know this place better than any of us." Henry spoke up staring down at his son who took a large gulp before reluctantly agreeing grabbing his bag. "Benedict are you coming with ?" Eden asked a bright smile on her lips as she stared the man who just sighed and quietly nodded. The family walked away leaving Charles in the floor his head still in his hands.

With Gerard leading the way, they set off on a tour of the school grounds, his family and Benedict following closely behind. Despite the occasional stumble and wince, Gerard did his best to maintain a cheerful demeanor as he pointed out various landmarks and shared anecdotes about life at the school. Throughout the tour, Gerard's family peppered him with questions about his classes, his teachers, and his friends, their curiosity piqued by the glimpse into his daily life. Benedict chimed in occasionally, adding his own insights and observations with a weary but enthusiastic voice.

Throughout their walk towards the school building, Eden found herself stealing glances at Benedict whenever she thought he wasn't looking. She admired his easygoing nature and quick wit, feeling a sense of admiration and fondness growing within her. "And here is the art classroom ?" Gerard looked to Benedict who nodded from behind Emily and Henry "yes the art classroom which actually Benedict is often in." Gerard smiled as the family continued to follow him through the hallway. Despite the challenges posed by their hangovers, the tour proceeded smoothly, with Gerard's family and enjoying the opportunity to explore the school and learn more about Gerard's world.

As they reached the end of the tour, Gerard's family  expressed their gratitude for the glimpse into his school life. "Thank you for showing us around, dear." Emily said warmly, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "It's been wonderful to see where you spend your days." Henry nodded in agreement, "and how are your studies ?" he asked earring a glare from his wife "good father they're good." Gerard responded staring at the cobble floor rather than his father's face "it's true Lord Walseworth he's top of every class much to my annoyance." Benedict chimed in noticing Gerard uncomfortable mood "good to hear." Henry smiled at Benedict. Just Benedict.

As they said their goodbyes and Gerard's family prepared to depart, Benedict and Gerard watched them go with a sense of fondness and gratitude. Eden lingered by Benedict's side for a moment longer. Summoning all her courage, she mustered a shy smile and murmured a soft "Goodbye" before hurrying off to join her family. Benedict watched her go with a puzzled expression, unable to shake the feeling that there was something more behind Eden's fleeting glances and shy smiles.

Gerard watched his family's carriage pull away, a wave of sadness washed over him, mingling with the lingering discomfort of his hangover. He stood there, feeling a sense of emptiness in the pit of his stomach, as the dust kicked up by the departing carriage slowly settled around him. Benedict, noticing Gerard's subdued demeanor, approached him with a sympathetic smile. "Are you okay ?" he asked softly, placing a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. Gerard forced a weak smile, though the ache in his heart was palpable. "I'm fine, Benedict," he replied, his voice betraying the sadness he felt. "I think I just miss them" Gerard's words surprised Benedict but the man understood his friend. Benedict nodded , his own heart heavy with empathy for his friend. "I see," he said quietly.

Gerard managed a small nod of gratitude, appreciative of Benedict's attempt to lift his spirits. But as he watched the dwindling figure of the carriage disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness, a reminder of the distance that sometimes separated him from the ones he loved. "Is Eden okay ?" Benedict asked breaking the silence "I haven't a clue." Gerard answered finding it hard to hide his on coming chuckle.

*Authors note.*

Hello Bea beautiful people I know what you are thinking wow two chapters really and I mean what can I say I treat you all good... sometimes... anyway I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter and the few sneak peeks at Eden and Benedict even though it's just Eden crushing on Benedict and him thinking shes is Ill or summit but thank you all for reading, voting and commenting I appreciate it all and always love you lots xxx

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