Golden student - chapter 16

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London, England 1804

As the first rays of sunlight pierce through the dense foliage surrounding the ancient stone walls of the boarding school, the morning mist slowly dissipates, unveiling a scene straight out of a painting. The school grounds, meticulously manicured by the diligent hands of the groundskeepers, come to life with vibrant hues of green as the grass.

The boys, clad in their traditional uniforms of breeches and waistcoats, emerge from the dormitories with a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. The air is filled with the lively chatter of youthful voices as they make their way to the communal dining hall for breakfast.

Inside the hall, the aroma of freshly baked bread and brewed tea fills the air, mingling with the sound of clinking cutlery and laughter. The boys eagerly tuck into their morning meal, fueling themselves for the day's activities. The boys disperse to their respective classrooms, where they engage in a rigorous curriculum encompassing subjects such as Latin, Greek, mathematics, and rhetoric. The sound of quills scratching against parchment fills the classrooms as the boys diligently copy down their lessons under the watchful eye of their tutors.

As midday approaches, the boys are granted a brief respite from their studies. They spill out onto the school grounds, eager to partake in the delights of springtime. Some engage in spirited games of cricket or football, while others take leisurely strolls through the surrounding countryside, reveling in the beauty of nature's awakening. Lunchtime brings the boys back together in the dining hall, where they enjoy a hearty meal of roast meat, potatoes, and seasonal vegetables. Conversation flows freely as they recount their morning adventures and eagerly make plans for the afternoon.

"What did you think of the test ?" Benedict asked his hands fiddling peeling the skin of an orange. "It was not awful." Gerard responded "Not awful ? " Benedict raised his head looking to Gerard who just quietly chuckled. "I nearly climbed out the window on the second half most of the question we have not been taught." Benedict added leaving Gerard to laugh more "Do you think Mr Wellington will be coming back or that they will find a replacement for him ?" At the mention of his name Gerard shoulder tensed and his mouth became dry "I think they will find a replacement." Benedict continued at Gerard silence. "I hope it's someone younger all the teacher in her are practically walking graves." Benedict gave a small smile to his friend at his joke geared himself just gave him a small nod.

Gerard and Benedict continued to leisurely around the school grounds, their footsteps soft against the well-trodden paths that crisscrossed the verdant expanse. The sun, now hovering comfortably in the sky. As they strolled, they observed the bustling activity of their fellow students engaged in various pursuits. Some were engrossed in intense games of cricket on the neatly trimmed lawn, while others lounged in the shade of the towering trees, lost in the pages of their favorite books.
Their conversation meandered effortlessly from topic to topic, ranging from the complexities of their studies to the latest gossip circulating among their classmates. They laughed at inside jokes and shared secrets, their old bond growing stronger with each step they took.

As they rounded a bend in the path, they came upon the secluded bench area which the four men usually sat at for lunch with Thomas away and Charles still recovering from his hangover it left Benedict and Gerard to be each other company an at first awkward moment but slowly grew comfortable and nostalgic.

"Oh here he is Little Gerard Walseworth" the older boy snarled as Gerard and Benedict walked forward "and his little friend" they were met with an unexpected sight. Adam stood there with a smirk on his face, flanked by his cohorts. His presence cast a dark shadow over the peaceful atmosphere that had enveloped the school grounds.

Adam's eyes gleamed with malicious intent as he caught sight of Gerard and Benedict approaching. "How old is that sister of yours ? Old enough to marry yet ?" The man snickered with his friends "Oi Walseworth I saw her visiting you the other day she's grown a lot since she was last here" he kept speaking "when will she return huh ? I hope soon. I'd love to give her a warm welcome I'm sure a lot of us would." Gerard tried to block out the boys words he really did. He shouldn't have to respond to such childish and stupid comments but that wasn't his nature. It never had been.

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