Wake up and see - Chapter 3

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London, England 1802

"Gerard !" A harsh shaking of his shoulders made the young lord wake up, "Hello Gerard Walseworth wake up !" Benedict shook his roommate more, "huh ?" Gerard's eyes opened, his face scrunched in confusion. "Wake up, we're going to be late to class" Benedict looked down to the boy throwing his black blazer, "what ?" Gerard barely could speak his mind, still not awake, "I said wake up Walseworth" the sudden crash of a pillow again his face made him lift.

"You know what Mr Wadding will do if we're late." Benedict brushed through his hair quickly in the mirror, "and I'd rather not experience that at all... not again." Benedict shivered at the memory of him, Gerard and four other boys being disciplined with a bamboo cane twenty smacks on the knuckles each hand for how many minutes they were late.

"Shit shit shit." Gerard jumped out of the messy bed, quickly rushing over to his creased uniform and placing it on his body, a small chuckle was heard from Benedict as Gerard muttered multiple profanities to himself over and over.

"Catch" Benedict threw the brush over to him, but Gerard, who was currently trying to unknot his laces, but it was too late to react, and the brush smacked him in his head. "Cheers Benedict" Gerard looked at the boy who just smiled, "no problem." The Bridgerton boy laughed, grabbing the two book bags off the floor and handing it to the other.

The two boys headed out the door, sprinting to their class, turning sharp corners, almost smacking into pillars and ripping over their own feet. A loud shout was heard from behind the two, "Mr Walseworth, Mr Bridgerton, this is no place for running !" The boys chuckled to themselves as they continued to run, refusing to miss or even be late to Mr Waddling class.

Gerard reached the large brown door, pausing outside, but was shoved to the side by Benedict barging elbow as he entered the class in a state of hurry. "Prick." Gerard muttered as he entered the classroom all the young boys Turing to the pair on entering Gerard's eyes immediately darted to the front, but for the luck of the two boys and their knuckles Mr Waddling was nowhere to be seen.

"Hurry up and sit down, you tosspots, before he enters." Charles shouted to the pair leaning over his desk. Charles Bulleting, a dirty blonde hair boy who stood around five foot six inches, his face covered with freckles and mouth filled with a few missing baby teeth at the fine age of sixteen. "Stay there a bit longer. I'd enjoy seeing you get whacked by Mr Waddling" Thomas Brookes reared his head from around Charles, another one of Gerard's classmates who deemed himself too smart and rich for Eton, his black loose curls and green eyes scrunched up in a smirk.

"They're right sit and quick, I can hear the old man's feet stomping from miles away." Benedict nudged Gerard, making him sit down. "Did you do the homework ?" Charles leaned forward over Gerard's shoulder like a personal devil. "Urmm I wrote it but" Gerard dug through his bag searching for the scribbled paper, pulling out five pieces. "Done it" the look of worry quickly disappeared from the Walseworth face, being replaced by a grin, "five pages ?" Thomas stood up, walking over to Gerard's desk and grabbing the paper from his hands Turing then over "back to front too... you need to seriously begin to have a life, Walseworth." Thomas scoffed and Gerard quickly took the paper off the boy, "well you can't really have a life in this prison, can you." Gerard placed the work on his desk, "Poetic Gerard thought that was Shakes pea- sorry Bridgerton talent." Charles joked, making Benedict snigger, "an excellent talent." The Bridgerton added.

"Hush, hush now." Mr Waddling entered the classroom, his cane smacking off the table and his black clock dragging across the floor. "Today boys you will be having a test that I pray to our lord above your tiny brains will somehow pass." The old man smiled in pleasure at the torment of the boys' sulking faces, not one of them being able to openly express due to the punishment they would receive. "Sir" Thomas raised his hand, "yes Mr Brookes" the old man sighed at the sight of the boy, "Are we going to continue reading the book you've assigned." Thomas asked, placing his hands on the wooden desk in-front of him. "Yes Mr Brooke's we are but..." the man paced back and forth up the classroom tightly gripping his cane. "If you did just listen to me, which you should have, I did tell you and the rest of the class that we have a test so rather you listen next time or the hard cover book I have assigned you all to read will be harshly smacked over your skull." He stopped beside the boy, staring down, "yes Sir." Thomas cleared his throat, staring at his desk, making Gerard stifle back a laugh.

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