Chapter 11: Naked Truths (I'm not feeling this)

Start from the beginning

I continued my solitary walk until I reached the tranquil edge of the ocean. The moon cast its ethereal glow across the landscape, painting the world in shades of silver and indigo.

The gentle rustling of palm leaves and the rhythmic lull of the waves made for a scene that felt almost too romantic to be real.

As I approached the shoreline, I stumbled upon something that felt oddly familiar. A phone lay amidst scattered clothes, and I couldn't mistake them-they belonged to Ryujin.

The moonlight illuminated the surroundings, turning the ocean into a shimmering expanse of silver and painting the sky with countless stars. It was a breathtaking moment, one that would have been perfect if not for the unease that had led me here.

I didn't want to disturb this serene atmosphere with screams or confrontations. In this quiet moment, I craved peace above all else. I waited in silence, watching the waters.

Eventually, Ryujin emerged from the ocean, her head breaking the surface as she swam gracefully back to shore. I could only see her head, a clear sign that she was, in fact, naked, and she didn't want me to witness that vulnerability.

"Why are you here?" she asked, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and curiosity.

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "I just needed some air."

Ryujin spoke again, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability: "If you could please turn around, I'll put on my clothes so we can leave."

I stood my ground, gazing into her eyes with a determination that surprised us both. "Who told you I wanted to leave, Ryujin?"

Summoning my determination, I stepped forward, my clothes slowly getting drenched by the incoming tide. Soon, I stood before her, our eyes locked in a wordless exchange amidst the tranquil beauty of the night.

As we stood there, a contemplative silence hung between us, and Ryujin finally broke it with a whisper, "This is unfair."

Confused, I furrowed my brows and asked, "What do you mean?"

With a soft sigh, Ryujin acknowledged her vulnerability, saying, "I'm naked, and you're not."

It clicked in my mind, and I reassured her quickly, "I didn't see anything."

A soft, genuine chuckle escaped Ryujin's lips as she teasingly requested, "Strip."

Her unexpected words left me taken aback. I turned away, facing the moonlit ocean, and responded, "I swear I couldn't see you."

But we were both surprised by what followed. As she drew nearer, Ryujin delicately laid her chin on my shoulder.

Even though I was completely covered, I could sense her presence very closely; her flesh and my clothing were barely separating us. I could feel her nipples and the entirety of her body.

Ryujin questioned quietly, "Do you really think I care?"

She took hold of my shirt with a delicate touch, briefly dipping her hands under the water as she carefully stripped me off while still standing behind me.

I wasn't sure how I was feeling at the time; all I know is that my heart was pounding obnoxiously, but her heat and her breath were seductive.

My T-shirt ended up discarded on the sandy shore, and the cool night air contrasted with the warmth of Ryujin's breath against my nape.

The next moment, I don't know what got into me, but I slowly removed my bra, so painfully slowly, and then Ryujin took it from me and casually tossed it onto the sand.

I was only wearing my pajamas-yes, pajamas-since I had never intended to go swimming right then.

I leaned in closer, giving my weight to her, my back leaning to her chest, and held her hand, which was now on the last bit of clothing I had on.

Ryujin whispered, "Let me help you," in a gentle and caring manner.

The only thing separating us in that fleeting moment was the calm waters of the ocean, and the moonlight threw a soft, cozy glow on our connection. We were both there, naked and vulnerable.

Ryujin's embrace tightened around me as I leaned closer to her, and we stood there, silent yet electric.

Suddenly, she began placing gentle kisses on my shoulder, igniting a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

It was a sensation I never expected to experience with my best friend.

Despite my reluctance for the moment to end, I couldn't help but whisper, "We should head back to our room."

Ryujin buried her nose in my hair from behind, still holding me close, and softly said, "Turn around."

I obliged, facing her, my heart thundering in my chest. She brushed my hair away from my face and gently asked, "What are we doing?"

Our foreheads touched as I closed my eyes and admitted, "I don't know."

Ryujin paused for a moment, then spoke, "You're right. We should head back to our room."

With that, I turned away, looking directly at the ocean, as she swam away and gracefully retrieved her clothes, and we both took a step back from the brink of a moment we couldn't quite define.

THE RHYTHM OF US: RYEJIWhere stories live. Discover now