5. The Father of my Kittens is a "Scum"

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(English is not my first language ^^)

He Ling recalled veined hands clawing on his abdomen. Sharp pain rapidly overflowed all over his veins and nerves, his entire body feeling weak and numb until unconsciousness took over him and he crashed on the dirty and blood-brimmed ground.

Right before his eyes shut, the last scene he could remember seeing was an injured cat rushing to him- those captivating golden eyes, always narrowed with pride and haughtiness, had now shrunken and appeared fearful.

He Ling weakly choked, desperately gasping for air as he tried to lift his hand, wanting to rub the cat's head who's currently licking his cheek, nudging him with his tiny button nose. Sadly, it seemed like the last drop of his energy had all been wasted to his forceful gasps, because pitch-black veiled his vision after that.

He Ling was sure he died.

He remembered seeing dark robes, an eerie red symbol etched on the dark fabrics, and then a sinister grin. According to his knowledge so far as he could recall about that red sign, he must've been killed by a demonic cultivator from some evil sect, and as for his memories prior to his death.... actually, he could barely remember anything.

He could only remember being killed. And.... the cat. There was a cat with white fur and golden eyes.

Back when the cat was rubbing his furry face to himself all while whining so sorrowfully, he had felt a tug in his heart- a painful tug, he hadn't wanted to die yet and he was similarly mourning with the cat, but he already lost consciousness. Now that he suddenly woke up again, recalling the painful look from that cat made his heart ache for some reason.

He must've been quite close with the white cat, that's also considering the fact that the first thought that entered his mind, other than the memory of his death was that beautiful white cat

Balancing his tiny feet on the ground with his hand gripping the edges of the bucket of water, though he could barely see his face reflected from the water's surface, just looking at those perking brown ears and large upturned eyes blinking back at him already determined He Ling what he currently looked like.

He was reborn as a cat.

A brown beige cat.

He Ling batted his eyelashes, staring at his face at the moment, before hopping on the ground, accidentally bumping the bucket and causing water to splash on the ground. He Ling's skin felt somehow sensitive. Startled, he started to shriek, jumping away and subconsciously running off from the puddle with his 4 nimble foot as though being chased by a furious fat madam.

It's been 2 weeks ever since He Ling woke up to his consciousness, finding himself as a cat. Of course, initially, he spent a total of 7 days freaking out, feeling extra paranoid and existentialist after he was finally thoroughly convinced that not only was he back from dead, but he just turned into a cat?

It was hard work to accommodate. To get used to this new body. Back then, he walked with two legs rather than on 4 legs. He had also viewed life from above rather than on the ground- feeling so terribly tiny that it's mildly frightening him. However, another week has passed, after gradually reconciling to his fate since he absolutely had no idea how could he turn himself into a human, he began living his daily life of calmly munching on saliva-brimmed leftovers and licking his butt to clean off the excrement which strangely doesn't smell and taste unbearably bad with his cat nose and cat tongue.

He had grimaced for the first one week, seeing other cats doing such things to clean off themselves, but after hearing that one black-striped cat who could actually communicate with him in a language he somehow could comprehend — whereas “mraoww, mraoww!“ sounded like 'You're acting kinda weird, man!'— his forceful actions just so he could blend in with these cats slowly turned into a habit.

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