Chapter 14 - Two Peas in a Pod

Start from the beginning

"For Rao's sake, that's horrible. I'll be careful, don't worry. Supergirl out."

"Always," Superman replied cheerfully.

As Supergirl approached the room where the hostages were held, she was struck by the blunt contrast between the turmoil outside and the unsettling calm within. The room was dimly lit, the walls had beautiful works of art that served as a backdrop to the tense atmosphere. The hostages huddled together, their faces showing fear and relief as they caught sight of Supergirl's silhouette in the doorway. A glimmer of hope presented in their eyes, reflecting the gratitude they felt towards their rescuer. She felt responsible for their lives, knowing she couldn't fail at this moment and would bring them to safety, no matter the obstacles.

"Alright, everyone. I'm Supergirl, and I'm here to escort you to a safe location. Is there any available transportation that can take us away from here?"

"Thank you, Supergirl, for rescuing us. I'm Phouvanh Phanthalangsy, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court. There's an underground garage not far from here. It's in close proximity to us," he replied respectfully.

"That's excellent. Please lead the way, Mr. Phouvanh. I'll provide cover for you. Everyone, let's move quickly. We can't afford to waste a single minute here."

When they were on the verge of reaching the garage, Supergirl sensed the building vibrating, indicating the approach of more soldiers. She focused her senses and realized they were coming from below. She quickly halted the group.

"Hold on, everyone! Mr. Phouvanh, is there an alternative route to the garage?"

He paused for a moment, contemplating the situation. "Yes, if we take that route, we can use the emergency stairs. It might take us longer, but it's an option," he replied, offering a solution.

"Good to know. Mr. Phouvanh, lead everyone down this way quickly. They're approaching!" Supergirl urgently instructed the group.

"Who's coming?" A woman in the crowd asked, her voice trembling.

"I'm not sure. I'm using my X-ray vision, but I can't see them clearly. Please, just trust me and go. I'll catch up with you later."

The group followed her guidance and made their way down the stairs. Supergirl couldn't see the enemy, but she could hear them approaching. They were coming from three different directions, a deliberate strategy to disorient her. However, Supergirl was prepared for anything that came her way.

A shriek came exploding its way from the floor violently throwing Supergirl off her feet. As she struggled to regain her composure, her eyes focused on an intimidating figure emerging from the dust. It stood tall and grotesque, a reflection of a cyborg, half-machine, half-human with a slender and sinister appearance.

"Well, well, well," a distorted, robotic voice came from a female figure resembling Equus. "What do we have here? The Supergirl from National City, wearing big boy pants, are we?"

Supergirl stood up, straightening her suit very calmly, refusing to display fear in the presence of the cybernetic woman standing in front of her. She observed as armored men emerged from all sides, encircling them.

"And who might you be, lady? Just like Equus, a coward who needs guns to intimidate people? I'm not impressed!" She snapped back, dismissing the situation with a light chuckle.

"My name is Ignisia, pretty girl," the cybernetic woman said, her metallic voice menacing. "I must say, I find your attitude quite intriguing. I am well aware of your reputation and your... shall we say, more assertive approach compared to your counterpart. Let's not forget your encounter with Non and his feeble army of Kryptonians, whom you dispatched into the depths of space, getting rid of them all. Impressive, you kill your enemies, indeed."

Ignisia laughed darkly, her red eyes glowing with hostility. "But don't mistake my curiosity for weakness, Supergirl. I am not to be underestimated. Spare me your righteous speeches and futile attempts to reason with me. In this battle, only one of us will emerge alive. And let's see if you truly live up to your deadly reputation. Don't worry, we might have some fun after all."

Supergirl gasped when she heard Ignisia's words. The fact that she was aware of her past actions, particularly her difficult decision to save Earth from Non and his Kryptonian horde, caught her off guard. It seemed that Ignisia was attempting to play mind games, using the knowledge to unsettle her. However, Kara refused to be influenced by malicious words or second-guess her choices. She wasn't in the mood to listen to empty threats regarding the decisions she made to save Earth in the previous year.

"The only thing I'll say is that I'm stronger and faster than Superman. If you're looking for a fight, be prepared for the consequences. I know you're well aware of what that means, Ignisia. If you choose to challenge me, I won't hold back. Consider this your warning, sweetheart." Supergirl wanted to assert her superiority and keep Ignisia at bay with her bold words.

Ignisia displayed an aura of menace, her cybernetic form twisted into a mocking semblance of humanity. With each movement, she demonstrated confidence and fear, her red eyes gleaming with malicious intent. Her voice dripped with contempt as she tried to taunt Supergirl, relishing in the fear she instilled. Ignisia exuded cruelty, her every action calculated to unsettle her opponent. As flames encircled from her mouth, she reveled in the fear she infused.

"Do you know why they call me Ignisia?" She sneered with malice. "Because I take pleasure in igniting the worst fears in people and set their world ablaze!" She said her words with a malevolent laugh and exhaled a stream of scorching flames from her mouth, engulfing Supergirl in an red-orange inferno.

The intense heat depleted the oxygen around them, leaving Supergirl struggling to breathe. While the flames didn't harm her physically, the lack of air disrupted her balance. Thankfully, her Stealth Suit kicked into action, generating a protective helmet and activating dim lights in her visor to aid her vision. Ignisia pounced on Supergirl, and the two engaged in a fierce exchange of punches.

"Die, you miserable woman!" Ignisia shouted angrily.


How do you think Supergirl can defeat Ignisia?
Stay tuned!

In a week Iginisia and Supergirl are set to face off in Chapter 15 - Battle of Strength. Make sure to catch the action as the two collide in this intense showdown. Don't miss it!

#UnleashThePower #Chapter15 #BattleOfStrength #MustRead 

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