Scene Between Page

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Happy New Year, guys!
Said Goodbye to 2023
Welcome 2024.

This is a special chapter before we're going to main plot so hope you guys enjoyed it ~






Ryusei and Kojiro suddenly been drop down to somewhere place.Ryusei struggling to wake and helping his friend but then he notices something that unbelievable.

"Wa-wa.....!" Unavailable to speak Ryusei point at his friend with wide eyes before looking at himself.

"Argh?!?!!!!My perfect body?!!!My face?!?!!!"

"Huh?What a you freaking a- wahh!!!!What the hell you head become big?!!!You look liked that will explode anytime!!!!" Kojiro point at Chibi Ryusei.

"Well look on the mirror yourself before said that to me?!!"

"What the he-?!?!!! Why we become liked this?!!?!!!"

"Oh my gosh! Please tell me this is just a dream?!!!?!?"

"Well let me help you then!"

"Huh?What do you me- buuek!!!"

"Hu? Does it's hurt?"

"Ofc, it's hurt! Kojiro, you fucker! Why you suddenly punch me huh?!"

Kojiro grip his now short cubby hand while frown totally ignore the guy beside him.

"It's seems liked we're not dreaming then...." Kojiro looking their surroundings then notice their are been on the studio.

"It not means you can hit me?!?!" Retort Ryusei rub his red chubby cheek.

".........If you don't want the other big fat cheek of your gain the same treatment, better shut your mouth." Kojiro that been ignoring Ryusei start feeling irked with the loud mouth of his childhood friend.

"Urph!!!" Ryusei clamp his mouth with both his short hand while sweating.

Well if his friend state something it was always truth.Haiss, what has been happening with his cheerfully childhood friend. Now, all he see was a grumpy cold teenage boy, Ryusei can feel the fake tear slip down from his fat cheeks.

' I miss young Kojiro who's always smile and laugh with me.....'

The sound of footsteps make them alert that their are not alone ones at that place.

"My!~ My!~ What cute appearance you guys have here!~" step out from the shadow, there is a Chibi girl that have a blond hair with purple eyes wearing a formal suite smirk cheeky to them.

"Eh!Remi-chan?!" Ryusei suprise to see his friend at this stranger place.

"Now now before we start our program let change your guys clothes first."

"We don't need that! More importantly where am I?!And why the heck I become like this?!"

Ask Kojiro point at Chibi Remi rudely. Chibi Remi that smirk before change to large smile before answering Kojiro.

"This place was the page between scenes so what happened here will not infect the plot story!And if you're not realise the reason why I said to change you guys clothes was because your guys clothes already mess up and too dirty that will infect our view when we're on air." Said Chibi Remi put a big nice smile.

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