Spin Off:Letter From Baji (5)

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Remi leave her apartment aftet she got called from Chifuyu's mother. He wasn't even pick the called that Remi made which meaning Chifuyu already been kidnapped by Kojiro.

Remi want to help Chifuyu but there a something more important she aiming for.And is not liked someone will died because Baji will save them later so Remi feel relieved a bit.As soon as she arrived the person that she want to see already here.

"Sorry, to call you this late....." Remi approach them.

"No it's okay, please have a seat......here the thing that you want." Them give the documents that Remi asking for.

"Thank, it must be hard for you to collect this information...." Remi opened the fail then start to read one by ones all the data.

"No at all, collect information was more easily when you have authority back up you....." Said them sitting in front of Remi calming drink their coffee.

"Hurmm, it was pretty amazing and I didn't know that Toman link was really influenced...." Tease Remi glance at them.

"Oh please, stop that. Anyways do you want me to join this fighting too? You can't said that you'll handling it by yourself again?" Their frown when see Remi flinch while looking away didn't meet eye contact with them.

"Well, you have a nice hunch....hahahaha....." Remi awkwardly looking away.

"Remi-san..." Said them in warning tone.

"Well, sorry but I really have to do this alone.You have to trust me this time, please!!!!~" Remi pleading while made her cute face.

"That what you said before saving Shinichiro but then what happening after that! Remi-san, you other body was still laying lifeless on the comatose!Have you not learn from that!!!!!" Them standing because the rage that been bear for a years has exploded.

"Haa, please sit down and calming yourself first-"

"No I won't! If I have to force myself to stick to you twenty four hours than I will!" Said them cutting Remi on the middle.

"Urgh, okay fine.....you can helping me but on the shadow....." Remi standing while looking at them with serious way.

"Huh? How?And there no way you can able to defeat that Kenshin guy alone right?"

"I have been practicing and I'm believes with my strength to took down of him and release both of Ryusei and Kojiro from Kensho." Said Remi walking away from there.

"That impossible! No matter how much you training, you can just defeated a guy that can give a command to hundreds members.You are gonna be killed!" Them following behind Remi protest the suicide plan that girl made.

"Don't be paranoid, I'll not get myself got killed easily nor got wound.Well maybe I will got a scratching but not bigger deal...." Remi shrugged her shoulders.

"Remi-san, can you thinking again about this planned before proceeding further more....I'm... afraid that....." Them clench at the end of the sleeve of Remi while looking down.

"Hey, I told you do not be paranoid. And if there something happened I have you to back up,okay?! Don't worry to much, you're to young to think such a serious problems like this." Remi pinch the cheeks of them before let go them while laughing.

"Urgh, another treatment child you give me, Remi-san...." Them grunt while cross their hand.

"Well, you're still a child on my eyes through....." Remi patting the head of them before continuing walking.

"Ah, I'll send you back home. It's already late night!" Offer them walking to Remi side.

"Sure!~ sure!~ "

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