Spin Off:Letter From Baji (2)

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Remi walking on the side of the road near river while clench umbrella looking in front. It's been raining from the morning and it'll not going stop anytime soon.

While taking a walk Remi saw Chifuyu with Baji ahead.Their seems to not realise her presence so Remi choose to walking on silently to see the scenes in front her.

Baji was been beating Chifuyu but it seems liked Chifuyu doesn't has intention to fight back.Chifiyu more be liked a bag punch to Baji, Remi clench hard seeing how bad is the wound that Chifuyu earned.

" Matsuno Chifuyu , 12 years old!!!!" Suddenly Chifuyu intro himself again.

"Ah?" Baji tilt his head bewildered.

"Born in 1991,in a small town in the valley of Kyoto......that year I lost my father!"

"In order to save the live of a young girl, complete stranger.......he jumped in front of a huge truck. And lost his life."

Baji was stare for a second before continuing beating Chifuyu who's don't stopping talking.

"Ah!.....Ngh!...Ah!......Ha!........Haa.....oh, fuck...!"

[N/A: Why I feels blushed when write this....Guess that I've to bleach my brain first! (⁠ ⁠'⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠'⁠) →→→ (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧]

Baji give a punch on his chin make Chifuyu stopped talking for a moment.The rain become more heavy.Chifuyu took a stance to stable himself before lift up his head to seeing the dark sky before said again.

"Oh man,...... I've never even exchanged a word with my dad but he entrusted me with an important task."

Chifuyu looking straight to Baji that frown at him.

"To put my life on the line for someone else! I've decided to follow Baji Keisuke!!! No matter what the future brings."

"I won't change my mind!" Put his hands on the back while screaming to showing how firm he is with passion.

".......If you have a problems with that.....then beat the shit out of me........"
Chifuyu start to seeing a dark dot before wobble then falling to front of Baji, totally pass out.

"You better take a care of Fuyu-chan after beating the shit out of him...
" Remi get closer to them while still sheltered herself with umbrella.

"Dammit, I know that...." Baji glance at Remi before pick Chifuyu and hold him on his back.

Remi staying on Chifuyu house after Baji sent him back.Remi treated the wound on her friend that still unconscious on the bed.

Put away the first aid box, Remi take a leave to going home as the day already late night.On the way to back home, Remi encounter with Baji that drive his bike.

"Oh, Remi!!" Greet Baji from behind.

"Oya, Kei-chan.Do you come back to see Chifuyu?" Ask Remi as soon as Baji stop beside her.

"Yeah, I want to invite him to join the first division meeting gang." Said Baji scratching his head back.

"Hihi, you look cold to him before but then you're just get move by what his said before right?What a stundere, Kei-chan!" Tease Remi giggles.

"Oh just shut up! By the way do you want me to drive you back home? It's not safe to going back alone on this time?" Asking Baji seriously.

"Hurmm.......nope!I want to stop by on convenience store first before going home.Ah! Don't worry, I know some self defence so it's okay!" Said Remi consoles Baji from take her home.

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