The Boundary between Sanity And Madness

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Hei Guys long time no see~
Stay strong and take care of your health!


The Original Timeline

- Shinichiro POV -

I looking at the sea with no feeling at all.All the sense I have became numb that make me left nothing after Manjirou passed away.The time to take off the mechanical ventilation machine of Izana that keep him breath until now is less than a week.

The doctors already tried as they can but there still no progress about Izana's comatose.The no more feeling leave on me when hear it and I wondering when it's start that make me became liked this.

"In these four years, I've gotten involved in many shady businesses.So i could help Manjirou and Izana in whenever their needed." I looking straight to the sea with dead eyes.

"I've done whatever therapy and even paid a lot for those suspicious religious groups.They're all liar......." Said me looking down on the grass that I've been sit.

"Maybe I should kill them all......for deceiving me....."

"Honestly speaking, I'm glad that Manjirou was passed and will be following with Izana for a few day later.I was worried that you'd be the first to die." Wakasa said begun to stand up.

"Join my gang Shin." Propose Wakasa to me.

"With you, we'd be the top gang in the world.Right now you're just rotting away."

What the thing that Wakasa said just come and go from my mind.I wonder when he will stop talked bullshit, and then before I shut him up Wakasa invite me to go drinking as a parting gift for Manjirou.

We're sitting on the sofa inside bar then Wakasa called the waiters to have a drink and some ladies as companies.But there something trouble that I don't even give attention cause it's not liked i desperately to get some comfort from other girl.

'Yuuki was enough for me.....I don't need anyone than her.....'

The memories of her back slander feature walk in front me with her black raven long hair flow freely and turn slowly with a smile gently that always she have keep appear in my mind until there a sentence word that catch my attention.

"He said 'I can go back in time ' or some crazy shit!" Said the other customers who's occupied all girls in the bar.

"And he said 'I can show you how'!! he pulled some weird shit saying things liked 'If there's no triggere I can't do it!' " Said him while laughing ridiculous.

"Hold on, being able to turn back the clock. Aren't that a time leaper?!" Said his friend join laughing.

That sentence make my eyes open wide.

"If you really a time leaper, you wouldn't have been homeless, would you!" He continues.

"There no way, ahahaha!!!" Their keep joking about that crazy homeless person who's has the power to going back in the past.

"Haaa, the drunk guest really annoyed...." Comment Wakasa lend on sofa but supriese see me wake up and going to that group.


"Oi!" Call me to him to get more information, I don't need they insulting but the more info about time leaper.

"Hey hey, c'mon. They're just telling drunk stories..." Wakasa tried to stop me but then there no way I'll let this chance go even it's sound a unreasonable.

But why, why this fucking insect don't know they place and act arrogant.With that I give a little bit punishment for their rude behavior before ask again about where the time leaper is.Maybe after the beating session their brain seem to be function because they gladly tell me after that.

Wait, I'm The Twin Sister Of Sano Shinichiro?!Where stories live. Discover now