Chapter XIII: Searching for the truth

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It passed a couple of days from Patryck's arrest, both Matthew and Edward didn't spoke a word to the other and everybody could feel something wrong in the atmosphere around those two, even Eduardo started avoiding his daily appointment to annoy Edward because of that.

Millicent found out soon enough the two had a fight from Edd while they were working the morning after the fight. The thing that preoccupied her was that it wasn't the usual lovers' quarrel that sometime the two had, Edd explained that the both of them wouldn't hear eachother's thoughts, Edd thinking that Matt was too closed to what he knew to hear him out and for what Millicent heard from Matt, the prince said that Edd wouldn't hear any of what he said and sticked with his ideas.

The poor maid didn't even knew what they were fighting over because both of them refused to tell her giving excuses, because deep down they were scared to lift something even more big than their whole argument and get the other in some horrible position, in fact they both still loved eachother dearly, but couldn't bring themself to go towards the other and listen at that moment.

In the meantime Tom even after 3 days still hadn't spoke a word to almost everybody, putting a stop at basically all of the contact with whoever, In short, no one had idea of what he was doing, not Matthew, not Edward, not any maid or servant, not guards and not Tord, since their lessons stopped the day after the arrest and due to Tom locking himself in his room 2 days, they wouldn't even meet eachother around and even if they did, they wouldn't have known what to say to the other. The only exception in all this begin Millicent, but she would only bring him his meals to his room and that was it.

Matt tried to talk to him but Tom said that he needed time alone.

In reality the only thing that mattered in that moment to Tom was to understand the reason of Patryck to kill his parents, it wasn't like he didn't believe him or similar things, he just genuinely wanted to know why he killed his parents.

The problem was that Matt made the guards lock Patryck in a cell of the prison without anything more than his confession, that didn't contained any reason for the murder, and also prohibited anyone to go near him a part from the guard that had to give him food and water.

Tom was still settled to know why his parents had to die, and thanks for the last almost 11 months without the king he had now no problem breaking rules or orders that weren't too important in his thought, so he planned to meet Patryck in secret.

At the 10th day from Patryck's arrest and the fight between the prince and his lover, in deep night, Tom sneaked out of his room, he never really knew where the cells of the prison were collocated but it was worth the fourth shot, because yeah, he had been searching for the cells for 3 days straight, this begin the fourth one.

"Why is this place so damn big" Tom cursed under his breath walking around the castle, a map could have been used gladly by the prince but I doubt they had one.

After a whole hour of searching a different part of the castle than the ones that he already searched, he was able to find the entrance of the prisons.

Tom went over a long, dark and cold corridor, with no windows or doors.. apart from a door at the end of it, Tom opened this small door, finding many cells.

Many of the cells were what became 'an house' to the law-breakers that the king did not like. Many of them were sleeping, they looked really bad, it was obvious that they had been living in bad conditions, while the ones that were awake just looked at the second prince really surprised but didn't said anything.

Tom started to look around the cells looking for Patryck.

"Patryck.. Patryck!.." Tom whispered yelled walking around the cells, trying not to wake the guards of that were supposed to watch of the prisoners, but surely preferred to sleep.

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