Chapter XII: Things are going down hill

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It was a nice morning in the kingdom, the weather was cool and the sun shined through some clouds that crossed the sky.

The prince and the rest of his crew were spending some of their time at Tord's house, Tord was supposed to be staying there for a good 2 days as the deal that the guy stipulated with the heir said.

Tord and Tom were trying to plant and take care some flowers in the garden like Patryck taught them 3 months before when only the two of them came to the house; and Paul was pouring some tea in three cups: one for him, one for Edward and one for Matthew, while they all had some conversation about future things.

Patryck sat in his room, he was reading again all the letters that Tord's father sent them before his mysterious disappearance, he was mad at that man. None of them, neither his own son Tord could forgive him, Patryck was no exception.

They whole demanded more than a time to know the name of the person that actually took them in that situation, Lawson's boss, but the man's mouth was sewed, he told them that when it would've been the moment they would have knew, useless to say that the moment never arrived.

When the letters stop coming they all thought that something must have happened, maybe some problem came up or he couldn't send letters anymore; but after a whole 6 months without letters the final answer was that he was found and probably in jail, dead or he just didn't want to write to them anymore since it wasn't taking him anywhere with his 'kids' hating him, but the point was that they would've never knew the person that wanted the heir.

Of course since there wasn't Lawson's boss' name or anything that would prove that they had no other choice than try to kidnap the prince a part from Lawson's letters, the one that would be see as the responsible for the death of Thomas' parents and attempted kidnapping would be Patryck, adding that Paul hid him in the past 11 years the both of them would be incriminated.

Patryck got up from the floor, he decided, that was it. In the last month he started to build up a lie by himself, he couldn't stay there hoping not to be found and then even risking Paul and Tord's life. He opened the door of the room and closed it behind him.

At the same time in the kitchen when the door was heard closing from upstairs Matt turned to the stairs both surprised and a bit confused, while Paul's face dropped as Edward looked at him confused and kind of worried.

"Oh is your partner feeling better Paul?" Matt smiled, they didn't had problems admitting their relationships at this point, after all the heir was in an homosexual relationship himself, the thing that he did not know and did not want to know was of course the identity of Paul's boyfriend.

Paul was panicking inside and it was pretty visible for Edd.

The one eyed man could not move, he was paralyzed from fear and anger in part, he wanted to know what the hell was going on in his boyfriend's mind, why did he got out of the room and especially why did he made it so obvious.

Unfortunately for him, his questions were going to be answered soon.

The other two young men entered back from the garden in that exact moment, both witnessing the strange scene of all the other three just looking at the stairs with three different looks on their faces.

In that moment Patryck made his appearance in the living room.

Silent filled the room, Matt's face dropped as soon as he had a clear view of the man that just went down the stairs, Patryck wore a blank expression even if some pain was clearly visible on his face, like he knew what was going to happen to him.

Tom was the only oblivious one, he hinted a small smile, the usual he gave to the few people he talked with, "You feel good today Patryck?"

Patryck lowered his head as Matt jerked his head towards his brother, clearly confused; his brother already saw this man?

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