Chapter IV: Explanations

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"Edd?!" Edd made a few steps ahead and his eyes went wide too as he saw the boy that was still trying to get himself free.


Everyone turned to Edd that just looked at the guy that supposed to be Tord. "You know him Edd?" Matt got closer to Edd curios about this guy and how his friend knew him. Edd looked away for a moment before looking back at the Tord guy, probably in search of agreement to explain but all he found on the face of the young man was confusion so he just sighed quietly before explaining.

"That is Tord, I know him because sometimes he would come to town and we eventually got to know eachother and became friends... But your majesty he's not lying, he doesn't live here! He lives in a small house out of town with his parents- I mean-" Matt stopped him and looked back at Tom that at the words "a small house out of town" has gone in some kind of trance and was just glaring at Tord. That everyone knew, the only house out of town was actually Tom's parents house, and right now it was supposed to be empty. 

"I want to hear about this from you too.. Tord right? Is my friend Edd saying the truth?" Everyone stopped at "my friend" but eventually Tord realized he was asked a question, "Yes, I live out of town with my adoptive father and his.. friend"

Tom never stopped glaring at Tord and he was too towards the prince now, "And if I'm not begin intrusive, may I know where the house is?" Tom asked still glaring at Tord. "Yes you are indeed begin intrusive "your higness"" Tord smirked mocking Tom's title watching him from top to bottom, he didn't like how the prince just glared at him. Tom in the meantime, was trying not to get mad, the last thing he needed was some guard telling Matt's father that he let a plebian get on his nerves and yelled at him, so he just clenched his fists under the worried guard's expressions and then took a deep breath. "Guard, I'll ask you to keep this one here until me and my brother are done with the other people in here." At those words Matt wore his usual smile, Edd on the other part was worried about his friend's situation, 'What is prince Thomas planning to do to Tord..' That was the only thought he had for the whole "selection".

After all the people were sorted to do different jobs in the castle Matt asked all the guards and servants to leave the room, at first some guards weren't sure if it was a good idea to leave the princes alone with this boy, they all knew that the heir and his friend were the only hope for the state to be successful and healthy again, nothing had to happen to them. Tom reassured them that they were going to be alright so everyone started to head out of the room. "Edd stay here please" Edd that was already leaving stopped on the spot and sighed, going back to Matt's side looking at Tord still kinda worried, he knew that Matt wouldn't do anything bad to him... or at least he hoped.

"Why making the guards go out? What if I had a knife or a gun? It would be easier for me to kill you like this." Tord asked curios about the, what he thought was dumb, movement of the prince, he was given no respond at first, instead he got another glare from Tom and a worried look on Edd's face. "If I did not misunderstood you're a friend of Edd right?" Matt smiled looking at Tord directly in his eyes, "Well we've known eachother for quite a while, maybe three or four years, so yeah" Tord was getting confused, why this question? Why was Edd in the castle with the princes? And especially... Why did the "empty holes" prince couldn't just stop glaring at him for a fucking moment?

"Then I have no reason to think you would murder us, I cannot be sure but I can't imagine Edd begin friend with a murder, and even if it was like this it's not like we can't protect eachother from a single person." He smiled as Edd took a quiet sigh of relief knowing that his friend wasn't in trouble. 

"If you live out of town why do you come here" Tom said still glaring at Tord, in respond he groaned obviously annoyed by the prince, "I come in town time to time so I can do some jobs to help my father, he tried to get a job but... Yeah people don't see too well someone... like him, and his friend isn't exactly a... healthy person so I'm the only one that can help to provide money."

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