Chapter VI: Hidden truths

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Once the two friends were far enough from the carriage and the two princes they took a sigh of relief, everything was going according to plan.

"What did you tell them" Tord looked at Edd still walking to the house, "I said that you don't have a mother because your adoptive father never thought about marriage and that his friend is not very healthy but I only saw him one time but years ago." Tord smiled weakly at Edd, "Thank you Edd, I really own you this one" Edd returned the smile once they arrived at the house, the same small but beautiful house where years before an innocent couple lost their life for saving their son and his friend; nothing seem to be changed.

"Tord you don't have to worry, I've known you and your parents for years now, I know that you weren't lying." He put an hand on Tord's shoulder smiling and Tord returned the smile.

Tord then knocked and after a few seconds a man opened the door, he wasn't really tall but neither short, he was maybe a bit chubby, his hair were a mess and the thing you couldn't notice of him were his.. very large eyebrows- under those he had grey-brown eyes- no wait eye, the other one was covered by some bandages, and the not covered one was wide open when he saw the two friends.

"..Hey dad"

The man grabbed Tord dragging him inside and hugged him while Edd came inside and closed the door smiling softly at the scene.

The man that went by Paul then set Tord free from his hug in favour to grab his shoulders, "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU TORD?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH ME AND PATRYCK WERE WORRIED?!" In that moment another man rushed in the hall of the house, sadly Edd remembered why they were there before the princes, to see him.

He was taller than the other man, his hair weren't messy at all, he had a strange hairstyle, it made it looked like the hair in front of his face were two "wings", his skin was a bit more dark than the other people's one and he had two dark green eyes that at the sight of Tord looked so relieved.

"Tord! Thank God you're alright!" He hugged him too and Tord returned the hug. "Hi pa'" Tord smiled but his gaze then went on his friend so he pulled back from the hug. "I'm sorry but we don't have much time" Tord said, Paul and Patryck looked at the two friends, "What are you talking about"

Edd looked at the floor and Tord to the other direction, None of them seemed to like the thought of explaining what was happening.

"Tord, Edd what are you talking about" Paul remarked his boyfriend's question looking at the two. "I told Edd everything" Tord began, the two boyfriends just stood there staring at them, but before they could say anything Edd spoke up:

"That's not the problem.. I know you guys wouldn't do anything bad on purpose and Tord explained me the 'why' of all but... The prince and his friend, now prince too and the son of the people that lived in this house are here.."

Patryck's eyes and Paul's eye went wide, "What?! Why?!" Patryck was speechless while Paul wanted and explanation. "I didn't return the other day because I was took to the castle and there I met Edd, they gave me a job as a guard dad, I can even take here the payments myself! But.." Tord looked at Edd who took out the folded paper from his pocket giving it to Paul. "The prince took me with him.. he said he had a work for me and asked to draw a person.. the one who killed the his friend's parents.." Patryck's expression became panicked, he thought that nobody a part from the couple saw him.

"What.." Paul looked at Patryck and seeing the expression of his lover he gently put an hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down "Dad, pa', they want to come here.. but.. we have a plan."


"What's taking them so long again?!" Tom was getting more and more impatient and Matt was mainly worried.. for Edd of course. Ten minutes passed since the two boys went to the house, and ten minutes passed as the two princes were waiting for them to return, and then they saw two figures getting closer.

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