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I lock eyes with Hao, who is standing across the room. Ricky is at my side, handing out uno cards to each individual. I feel the presence of Cho, watching Hao closely. Of course, I lied to her as to why he's here, explaining that he's very good friends with Ricky.

It's partly true, but the other half of the story leans onto the pit of my stomach, guilty. As I look at him, and we lock eyes, the guilt leaves me for a second. I'm taken back to the kiss we shared a few nights ago, the feeling of it so beautiful and overwhelming, it's unexplainable. I feel the pressure on my lips, the remnants of Hao's lips still lingering. I touch mine as a reflex, and I see Hao's ears redden, but he gives me a small smile before looking down at his cards.

I smile, looking down as well. My share of cards are horrible, but I don't mind. All I can think about is the kiss. It's been four days by now, and we haven't talked about it since then, but I stay up every night thinking about it, smiling to myself, and giggling while kicking my feet. I feel like a child with a crush again. I've kissed people before, but this one felt different. It felt-

"Hanbin? Earth to Hanbin!" Gyuvin says, swinging his hands in front of my face. I jolt up and push his hands away

"What?" I say, annoyed that they took me out of my trance

"It's your turn to play," Cho replies. I mumble a small apology before looking at my cards. I put down a yellow card with the number 6 on it

As we play, I start to get bored. I just want to sit down with Hao and talk to him. It's torture. I haven't talked to him for four days.

"Guys, I'm bored," Ricky says, almost as if reading my mind. I mumble an agreement, and Gyuvin, Cho, and Hao agree

"What would we do?" Gyuvin asks Ricky, leaning down on one of the sofas of Ricky's enormous living room. Ricky shrugs and looks at me

"I dunno. It's already dark outside" I say, shrugging

"But it's still early," Cho says with a pout. I see Hao looking around as if he has an idea of what to do

"Hao, do you have an idea?" I ask. Hao looks at me and freezes slightly. I smile, between a genuine one and a smirk. The boy looks away and turns to Ricky

"How about a bonfire?" he says. I widen my eyes in excitement and look at Ricky, trying to hype Hao up

"In my backyard?" Ricky asks, looking unconvinced

"No! How about we go to the forest? We can put tents and stuff" I say

"Like camping?" Gyuvin asks, eyes also filled with excitement, and I nod. Ricky smiles and nods

"Yeah, let's do that. I have all the things we need" Ricky says, getting up from the sofa, and hauling Gyuvin up with him

"Of course you do" Gyuvin replies with a laugh


The fire is set up, the ashes jumping to different sides. The blazing red and orange lights up everyone's eyes as we roast a few marshmallows. The night is surprisingly cold, but we luckily have our coats on. We sit on a few logs, wide enough for us to be comfortable on them. I hug my coat, feeling comfortable. Ricky and Gyuvin are bickering in front of me, but the fire makes me only see their faces. Gyuvin is smiling widely, trying to poke Ricky on his side. Meanwhile, Ricky is looking annoyed, with a small smile lingering on his face, swatting Gyuvin away with his hands. But he doesn't leave. I see Gyuvin's eyes shine abnormally, wide with happiness. They match Ricky's.

"If I didn't know them, I would've thought that they were dating" I hear Hao suddenly say, as he sits next to me, handing me a drink. I smile back sweetly before opening the drink and giving it to Hao, and taking the other unopened can. Hao laughs

"Being a gentleman now, are we?" he says, shrugging his shoulders against mine. I laugh in return

"That's what a certain boy taught me to act like," I say, eyeing him. Hao laughs

"I wonder who taught you to be so well-mannered. You should be happy, huh?" he responds

"Oh, I am. He's the best person I've ever met" I respond. Hao smiles, not looking at me

"Is that so?"

"Hm," I mumble. 

We stay in silence for a while, listening to the faint noise of Gyuvin and Ricky in the background, but slightly blurred by our thoughts invading our ears. It sounds like music to the ears. The thoughts that whisper out our true feelings. I'm happy, and I know Hao is too. I feel him relaxing at my side, and I'm glad that I'm able to give him that kind of comfort

"Where's Cho?" Hao asks

"She's in one of the tents. She said she was tired" I say. Hao says nothing in response, but instead leans his head on my shoulder. I see his eyelids flicker open and closed, eyelashes brushing against his cheeks.

"You tired?" I ask, and Hao hums in response. I put my hand on his hair, twirling it around carefully. As I let the curled hair go, it goes back to being straight, and I brush it softly. I look at Hao and see his eyelids completely closed. He's sleeping peacefully, and I can't help but smiling to myself. 

The atmosphere feels great. I want to take a picture of this exact moment, Hao leaning on me willingly, the dark of the night being lit up by a warm bonfire, the smell of marshmallows and nature filling my senses.

A warmth hugs my insides, and my heart thumps against my chest as I come to the realization that I don't ever want to let this boy go. I will do everything in my will to be here for him, and keep the peace that he has right now fulfilling his life.

I'll stay by him.

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