Curiosity #1

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Situation 1 - curiosity

We look around the room, eyes lingering on any object that could be a clue to escaping the room. I walk towards the end of the room and rummage through some papers that oddly stand out, the light shining on them amidst the darkness of the space.

"So... how did you meet my sister?" I hear Hao ask from behind me while we look for clues.

"I don't really remember? I think we were talking about art or something together."


"Yeah..." I say awkwardly, my thoughts still half thinking on the papers in front of me, and the other half thinking of the awkwardness between the boy and me.

"Cho doesn't even like art that much." I hear him say quietly but loud enough for me to hear

"Ok?" I reply, wondering why he is telling me this. I scan through the paper one last time and jump once I see a link between the papers.

"These all have the same logo!" I say


"These are police papers, but why does this have a business logo?" I say. Hao walks towards me and takes the paper, shining the papers onto the only light, making his hair light up as well. He scans them for a while as I look over his shoulder to see them.

"Ok, I got it. The business might not even be a legal one."


"So for all we could know, there is a possibility that they could be selling drugs and those kinds of things. They could be faking these 'police' papers to hide themselves. Now we need to find some things that could lead to the idea of something illegal. Maybe drugs?"

"Got it," I say, not sure of what Zhang Hao is saying, but it's not like I have another idea. I search under a table, objects scattered all over.

"You know Hanbin, my sister isn't who you think she is," Hao says


"She acts different when she's with you than when she's with me"

"Isn't that normal though? I mean, she's your sister, and I'm her-"

"Boyfriend? Sure you are"

"I wasn't going to say that," I say, annoyed

"I know. I just guessed," he clears his throat "just so that you know, she's not interested in people like... you"

"What the fuck. Are you really going to talk about your sister behind her back?"

"I'm not, I just wanted to warn you, that's all" Hao says, before turning away once again and continuing to search.

We search for a whole hour for more clues, bit by bit progressing, and in the end, finding out that we were the police the whole time, trying to escape the criminal base. As we escape, Cho and the others are already outside, laughing at how long we took, which is literally only five minutes more than them. And personally, I blame Hao for that, since he interrupted our search to talk to me about his sister.

Even though I told him not to tell me anything, I can't help but feel curious

What's so wrong about me? What type of person am I for him to tell me that I'm not her type?

Ok no but I feel so sad to make people like Cho and Hanbin's relationship so much 😭😭😭 Ig that was the whole point tho.

Dw tho bc it will end up well deserved for Cho so there's really nothing to worry abt. I can't really spoil anything but I promise you that you can look forward to it! 

And, if you want, at the end, I can publish some additional scenes between Hanbin and Cho.

Anyways, is there smt up with Cho???? Is it good or bad??? Why is Hanbin not her type???? Or is Hao lying???

Je ne sais pas 🤷

(Stream 'ETA' by NewJeans)




ok anyways :)

come back tmr :)

byee <3

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