"i'll give the verdict. now spill " so i explained wt happened. lily is someone who i can share most of things without a worry.

"so what you think?" 

"kind of. but in a way it justifies. you are used to stay with your parents unlike us. so its somewhat hard not to see them quite often as in old times right? but Faith they have to do that. you know that too. On the bright side you should be happy, you were extremely close with them until now, which is  something royals aren't privileged with at all. look at your brothers for an example"

" yeah i know. i have to get used to this life i guess. Thanks lily you are so wise when you want to be  " i playfully nudged her

" hey of course you aren't the only smart one kiddo "

" dont kiddo me"


"i'm not.... and i take back wt i said you are really silly" I playfully nudged her

The day was not eventful. They had a normal school day doing everyday stuff  mostly had exam preps. Philip wasn't present. Faith noticed that but ddnt want to ask daniel if they know the reason. After school Sara, Daniel and Andrew stayed for tennis practices and Faith said good bye to them and left the class. Then she saw It was not the usual car she get picked up. 

Diana stepped out of the car seeing Faith. As soon as she came out all the people who was passing by suddenly had their attention on her. This is the effect she has on people. She's like a magnet with all her beauty and pure personality. She acknowledged them with a smile and focused on her daughter.

"Hello! How was the school today darling? " she asked giving a side hug to faith.

"okay" she hugged her mummy. But it was not the same hug she get on other days. but Diana knew why.

"just okay? "

"yeah. why you came mummy? " she asked getting in the car with Di.

"Heyy cheeky girl! aren't you happy to see mummy came to pick you from school ? I used to come everyday " 

"used to mummy . that itself explains it.never mind"

" Sweetieee " Diana turned to her youngest. " I get you are upset with us.mummy's sorry. but can we forget this for now. I want to spend time with you before we go on the tour "

"mummy you are not like before. I always feel left out. you and papa dont talk with me about what you are doing  like you do with will and haz. "

" Baby im so sorry you felt like that.we are not talking those with you as you are still so young. we dont want to drag you everywhere with us and make you lose your childhood. its not to keep you in dark. ohh my sweet little girl" mummy enveloped me in a warm hug and I give in. 

" I'm sorry if I was rude in the morning. Even though I dont tell I dont like it when you leave me here" I realise it was mean to ignore them like that. 

"no honey you were just upset. I know . All I want is to spend time with you. I'm going to miss my baby girl so much"

"so where are we going now? " I ask realising it's not the way to Kensington .

" Windsorr!" mummy said with excitement. "Granny and grandpa was mad when papa told them you won't be joining us at the dinner tonight. They miss you so much and want to see you."

"really? I missed them too. I don't know why but papa seems changed mummy. doesn't he?"

"papa?" mummy looks at me with a confused look. " did something happen my sweet pie ? why you say that?"

" I dont know but I felt . maybe because both of you are busy and I'm overthinking " I shrugged

"awww come her my darling baby girl. mummy's sorry baby but we'll be with you for the rest of the year after we finish this tour okay ? no more long tours" mummy enveloped her arms around and kissed me. she is so warm.

Windsor palace

" oh my! my little butterfly's here to see me " grandpa's eyes lit seeing me running to him. This is a side of grandpa which is hidden from outside world. He is so caring and loving to us.

"Grandpaaa I missed youuu. how hv you been?" 

"missed you too lil Angel. and you know your grandpa might be old but still healthy as a lad" gramp's words not mine. he still thinks he is fit like in the past and granny's giving him a earful every time he do something reckless.

"is granny busy? I want to see her too." I ask following grandpa 

"she is in a meeting wit your pa "

"Is pa already here. I thought the meeting is at night"

"yes he is unfortunately and I'm so mad at your pa. " and I look at grandpa . what could papa have done now. papa does not have the best record with grandpa as they have somewhat.. different opinions

grandpa saw my expression and chuckled. "seriously how could he decide to not to bring you to see us today. we haven't met in a month.Something is definitely wrong with him" and I feel relieved and loved at the same time. 

Philip loved spending time with his little grand daughter more than anyone. Even when others were scared to play with Faith after she got sick, he always made sure Faith was always included in everything by keeping a watchful eye.                                                                                                               

" grandpa can you show me the painting you told me on phone last week " we both loved oil painting so much and grandpa was surprisingly good at it

"of course sweetie. but lets get freshen up and have something to eat first"  

when we turned to go to the tea room papa and granny also appeared from the west hallway with some palace officials. Granny noticed me first and came to us.

"look who's here. Hello darling" she greeted. I curtsied and gave a kiss on her cheek

"granny . how are you ? grandpa here complained that you are so busy these days" I turned to grandpa with a grin

" you little! no I did not " grandpa shot me a look and I quickly hid behind granny.

" well Faith unlike someone here granny has lots of work. its a shame he cannot understand"

"lilibet I'm retired. that means no work" 

"well I think its better if you two solve this rationally by talking." I tried to escape but grandpa hold me by my shoulder 

"where do you think you are going smarty pants. its tea time and you are stuck with us."

papa also joined us 

"sweetie you came straight from school? where's mummy "

"yes pa. mummy went for a dress fitting for that tour you hid from me" I regretted it the moment it slipped my mouth. gosh I sound like a brat who hold grudges. no it's ok .ony granny and grandpa is here.

"honey..can we talk ?." papa said with a gentle  tone and grandpa noticed and " sweetheart go freshen up and come to the tea room. we can work on our painting after that okay? Charles you and I hv a talk waiting" he pat my head and I headed to my room leaving papa in the hallway. i think he's in some sort of a big trouble than me with grandpa.

heyyy long time no update!

 hehe sorry I've been down with a writers block. more like I dont hv ideas on how to end a chapter as I've written two more chapters after this already 

hope to find a more creative way in future

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