Part 35

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Lily's POV

"Nash was an amazing person. He hadn't been in my life as long as others, but I'm so glad he was even in it at all.

Knowing Nash has changed my life, he changed me. Nash came into my life when I was in need, and he saved me. He took me in, and taught me how to smile again, he taught me how to be happy again...

And most importantly he taught me how to love unconditionally:

Nash wasn't perfect. He had is flaws, and he had his moments where he had outbursts and whatnot, but that's how he taught me. He taught me how to look past the imperfections of a person and love them for who they are.

The day of the accident, I was heartbroken. I was there when it happened. Nash and I were sitting on a bench by the beach, and he proposed to me. I didn't get the chance to answer, because a little girl took the ring and threw it into the road. Why she did that, I'll never know.

Nash wasn't looking when he went to get the ring, and a car hit him. I saw it all happen.

Seeing Nash being hit by a car, laying unconscious in a pool of his own blood, and then watching him die... Literally being in the room as his heart fails and he dies... That is something I'll never be able to un-see for the rest of my life.

Nash changed me,and he saved me. I had a chance to repay him for changing me, and I said yes to marrying him. I had a chance to repay him for saving me, and I tried to save him... but I failed. And I have to live with the guilt that I'm the reason Nash is dead.

I knew a long, happy life wasn't in the cards for everyone, and I wanted it to be in the cards for Nash. Unfortunately, because of me... It wasn't.

Nash had an enormous impact on me, and I know that I'm not the only one that can say that.

Nash will forever live in our memories, and in our hearts. It's impossible to forget a person like him.

I'm Lily Foster. And I am... Sorry; Was... the fiancé of Nash Grier.

Even in his passing... My love for him will never fade.

And I know the love he had from his friends, his family, and his fans, won't ever fade either."

I look down as people clap, folding up the paper of the speech that I didn't end up using. I wanted to speak from the heart, right in the moment.

My feet take me to Cam. He looks at me with a small smile, not showing his teeth, as he tries to stop crying.

As I walk close to him, Cam wraps his arm around my waist, and I wrap mine around his shoulders, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.

"That was a great speech, Lily." Cam whispers in my ear. "Nash would've approved."

"Thanks, Cam." I reply, pulling away. I lean on Cam as he wraps his arm behind my waist and I do the same.

We watch together as people go to the hole in the ground where Nash's coffin is, throwing yellow, red, and pink roses in. I guess that's what you do at funerals. I wouldn't know, since this is my first.

After everyone who attended goes, Nash's family goes, and Cam goes, finally it's my turn.

I walk up to the hole in the dirt and look down.

A brown, wooden coffin with roses over it about to be buried 6 feet under the ground- and Nash is inside.

I just stare at the coffin.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I'm staring down at my would-be-husband, throwing a goodbye rose over the box that his dead body is in.

I hold a white rose over Nash's coffin- the only white rose, set aside just for me.

I have to let it go.

I have to let go of Nash.

He's gone. That won't change. Nothing can change that.

I realize now that if I let the guilt and sadness weigh me down, I won't be happy and I won't be able to move on in life.

I take a deep breathe as a single tear falls down my right cheek.

"I love you, Nash." I whisper. "I always will."

My hand releases the single white rose. It falls onto Nash's rose covered coffin, sticking out from the rest of them.

Then I turn around.

My feet take me away, leaving my sorrows behind me.

I swear to move on. To never look back.

But I think, deep down, I know I'll never move on, because to move on I have to forget.

And that won't happen, not until the day pass and I leave to join him.

So you guys may feel like not reading anymore bc Nash died... But there may or may not be a surprise up ahead. Maybe. So I'd suggest to keep reading lol😉

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