Part 27

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Lily's POV

I run through the forest. Nash and Cam are in front of me, running as well. "LILY QUICK COME ON!"

Gun shots are being fired. They render me deaf multiple times. Each time the horrid sound comes to my ears I scream and cover my ears with my hands.

Make it stop! I scream, but only in my head.

"WE'RE COMING FOR YOU!" A deep man's voice shouts. It's close. Too close.

I will myself to run harder, but my legs fail on me. I find myself collapsed in the muddy ground, and I scramble to get up and keep running but a big, firm hand grabs my arm , picking me up, and then throws me back down. Hard.

I shriek.

The bald man with a goatee pulls out a gun and points it right at me. He chuckles evilly. "Never stood a chance." He says harshly.

He clicks the gun into place, but before he can shoot, Cam runs up and tackles him, Nash following behind.

The man's crew grabs Nash and Cam and pin them down. "NO!" I yell.

The man looks at me, then Nash and Cam, then back and me. A sly smile appears on his face.

"You love them, don't you?" He asks. He ponders this for a moment without my response. He looks at his men. "Don't hurt her." He says pointing at me. "Put those two boys up right in front of her and hold the girl back."

Two of the men in black take Nash and Cam about 10 feet in front of me and place them on their knees, their hands behind their heads.

Another comes over to me and grabs my arms, holding me back.

"No pain I could inflict on you is worse than losing someone you love." The man tells me. He stands behind them. "So why not cause you pain before you die? This'll be fun for me. Say goodbye to your precious boyfriends."

It finally registers what's happening.


I look into their eyes. The eyes of the two most important people in my life.Desperateness.

Two gunshots.

"NO! I love you..." I scream, but just the no. I whisper I love you because it becomes muffled by tears.

Their blood is splattered all over me. I collapse on the dirt. They're dead.


I bolt upright, covered in sweat. I scream and then start to sob. I frantically move around look around the room. I'm in the midst of a panic attack.

Thuds come from the hallway and my door flies open. Nash comes running inside in his black shirt and grey sweat pants. He runs to my bedside and grabs my shoulders. "Are you okay?" He asks concerned. My eyes look into his and his worry levels are overflowing.

I'm hyperventilating."Blood, guns, dead-"

Nash climbs into the bed and takes me into his arms. "It's okay." He says. "It's okay. You're okay. It was just a nightmare. We all get them."

He finally gets me to stop crying and I close my eyes. "Thanks." I say breathlessly.

"You okay?" He asks, still holding me.

"Mhm." I nod."But... Could you stay?Just until I fall asleep?" I ask hopefully. I need reassurance that he actually isn't dead.

I look him in the eye. They're tired and sleepy eyes. "There's no place I'd rather be than with you." Nash replies with a groggy smile. He moves all the way back to the wall and sits against it.

I lay my head on his chest. His beating heart, a sign of life, comforts me after the nightmare of him losing his. I reach my arm far down and pull the covers over my scrunched up body. I'm surprised I'm able to asleep.

Morning comes quickly. The light shines through the window. A hand rubs my head. "Lily," I hear.

I open my eyes. Nash is still there. "You stayed the whole night?" I asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." Nash replied. "So...How are you feeling?"

I put my hand under my head, which is on Nash's chest. "Good. It was just a nightmare."
My other hand rubs my eyes and I yawn. "What time is it?" I ask.

"Pretty early." Nash responds. "The sun is just rising. I just wanted to wake you up so I wasn't alone."

I sit up in bed and Nash rolls off and on to the floor. I fall back in laughter. "Are you okay?" I giggle.

Nash's head pops up from the floor with a goofy smile. "I'm good!" He exclaims.

"Come on," I say, swinging my legs off the bed and starting to walk to the door. "If you're gonna wake me up this early, I need food."

Weird place to end it I know and this is like the third update today but YOLO- wait does anyone say that anymore? I haven't heard that in forever lol anyways thanks for reading! Love you all!

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